Kudos to Warmist Michael Tobis: He rips Gov. Brown’s ‘slapped together’ webpage: ‘I am a fervent long-time admirer [of Brown]
Editorial: Jerry Brown’s overheated climate rhetoric
Calif. Gov. Brown’s eco-propaganda: ‘Attempts to demonize global warming skeptics’
Climate FAIL: Governor Moonbeam Brown’s ‘denier page’ can’t even get the temperature graph right
Open letter to California Gov Jerry Brown: Prove Your Accusation Against Skeptic Climate Scientists
Gov. Jerry Brown’s Anti-Anti-Climate Science Site: Assistant was authored by ‘staff’ at the Gov’s Office of Planning & Research, in consultation with climate scientists & several state agencies’
State Of California Says That The Climate Is Controlled By The Tobacco Industry
When Government Fraud Starts Costing Trillions Of Dollars: Gov. Brown ‘is using taxpayer money to display NOAA graph on his anti-denier website’
Apparently Gov. Brown, you’ve never visited the weather station at Lake Tahoe
Calif. Gov. Jerry Brown launches website to rebut skeptics: ‘The website ‘Climate Change: Just the Facts,’ devotes one page to ‘the denialists’ & another to rebutting ‘common denialist arguments’