Associated Press’ Seth Borenstein Links Zika outbreak to global warming – Al Gore Aproves

“With higher temperatures you have more mosquitoes feeding more frequently and having a greater chance of acquiring infection. And then the virus replicates faster because it’s hotter, therefore the mosquitoes can transmit earlier in their life,” Reisen said. The thermodynamics of mosquitoes are “driven by temperature.”


MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen on ‘hottest year’ claim: ‘Why lend credibility to this dishonesty?’

NASA and NOAA today proclaimed that 2015 was the ‘hottest year’ on record. See: Warmist Joe Romm: ‘We Just Lived In The Hottest Year On Record’ & Claim: ‘With 2015, Earth Has Back-to-Back Hottest Years Ever Recorded’

Meanwhile, satellite data shows an 18 plus year standstill in global temperatures.

MIT climate scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen balked at claims of the ‘hottest year’ based on ground based temperature data.

“Frankly, I feel it is proof of dishonesty to argue about things like small fluctuations in temperature or the sign of a trend.  Why lend credibility to this dishonesty?” Lindzen, an emeritus Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, told Climate Depot shortly after the announcements.

“All that matters is that for almost 40 years, model projections have almost all exceeded observations.  Even if all the observed warming were due to greenhouse emissions, it would still point to low sensitivity,” Lindzen continued.

“But, given the ‘pause.’ we know that natural internal variability has to be of the same order as any other process,” Lindzen wrote.

Lindzen has previously mocked ‘warmest’ or ‘hottest’ year proclamations.

“When someone says this is the warmest temperature on record. What are they talking about? It’s just nonsense. This is a very tiny change period,” Lindzen said in November 2015.

Lindzen cautioned: “The most important thing to keep in mind is – when you ask ‘is it warming, is it cooling’, etc.  — is that we are talking about something tiny (temperature changes) and that is the crucial point.”

“And the proof that the uncertainty is tenths of a degree are the adjustments that are being made. If you can adjust temperatures to 2/10ths of a degree, it means it wasn’t certain to 2/10ths of a degree,” he added.

MIT Climate Scientist Dr. Richard Lindzen Mocks ‘Hottest Year’ Claim: ‘Anyone who starts crowing about those numbers shows that they’re putting spin on nothing’ – “70% of the earth is oceans, we can’t measure those temperatures very well. They can be off a half a degree, a quarter of a degree. Even two-10ths of a degree of change would be tiny but two-100ths is ludicrous. Anyone who starts crowing about those numbers shows that they’re putting spin on nothing.”

Climatologist Dr. John Christy said it best: “If you want the truth about an issue, would you go to …

Flashback 1990: AP calls satellite temperatures ‘more accurate’ – But in 2016: AP ignores satellite’s showing 18 year plus ‘standstill’ in global temps

Flashback: 1990 NASA Report: ‘Satellite analysis of upper atmosphere is more accurate, & should be adopted as the standard way to monitor temp change.’ – April 1990 – The Canberra Times: ‘A report Issued by the U.S. space agency NASA…’

Climatologist: AP Guilty of ‘Yellow Journalism’ – Breaking News from AP: Seth Borenstein, Michael Mann & Andrew Dessler think climate skeptics are wrong!

Associated Press article rating presidential candidates – November 22, 2015


AP features Michael Mann smearing Ted Cruz: ‘This individual understands less about science (and climate change) than the average kindergartner. That sort of ignorance would be dangerous in a doorman, let alone a president.’

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano reacts to AP: ‘What would AP have found out if it asked scientists Richard Lindzen, Will Happer & Patrick Moore to rate candidates instead? – ‘Wow Seth. Featuring Michael Mann and Andrew Dessler to evaluate GOP? This is trash reporting even by partisan newsletter standards. Ted Cruz is one of the most articulate and scientifically accurate GOP presidential candidates on man-made global warming claims. Somehow Cruz was rated a 6 out of 100 while Bernie (AGW is bigger threat than Terrorism) Sanders gets a 87 out of 100? Does AP even imagine this type of ‘journalism’ has any meaning?’

Flashback: ‘Long sad history of AP reporter Seth Borenstein’s woeful global warming reporting’


The reaction to the Associated Press article rating presidential candidates has been swift.

Meteorologist Dr. Ryan Maue Mocks AP’s pick of Michael Mann: ‘AP Fact Check by virulent partisan climate scientist.  Unbiased, of course.’ Maue added: ‘I wouldn’t trust that list of climate scientists to deliver mail nor opine on serious foreign or domestic policy.’

Climatologist Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. calls out Seth Borenstein’s article: “Yellow journalism. Including this remarkably inaccurate statement ‘federal ground-based data.. is more reliable than satellites'”

Other reactions: ‘Mann by Seth. What a joke. Let’s fact check Mann via a Berkeley professor Richard Mullen: Michael Mann’s Climategate ‘hide the decline’ explained by Berkeley professor Richard A. Muller ‘AP allows Nobel prize faker Michael Mann to grade GOP candidates on climate




Related Link: AP’s Seth Borenstein says surface temperatures are more accurate than satellites. Utter nonsense.

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AP stylebook boots term climate ‘denier’ in favor of ‘doubter’ – Morano: AP ‘en­ter­ing the realm of ob­jectiv­ity


Climate change doubters
Those who reject mainstream climate science


Climate change skeptics

Climate change deniers

But “den­ier” has also proved con­tro­ver­sial, something the AP cited in its re­lease on the change. The word de­lib­er­ately car­ries with it con­nota­tions of Holo­caust deni­al. In an email, George C. Mar­shall In­sti­tute CEO Wil­li­am O’Keefe said the word “was in­ten­ded to be pe­jor­at­ive and was seen that way.”

Wil­li­am Hap­per, a phys­i­cist at Prin­ceton Uni­versity who has ques­tioned cli­mate sci­ence, ap­plauded the AP for the move, but said he was still happy to be called a skep­tic. “All real sci­ent­ists should be skep­tics,” he said.


Flashback: Warmists defend use of term ‘climate denier’ – Article features Climate Depot’s Morano – In 2000, “denier” was referenced 10 times in the English-language press. In 2014, it appeared 3,183 times…In politics, there was “Holocaust denial,” “moon-landing denial” and “evolution denial” — all flowing from Freud, with its implications not only of untruth but of mental illness. And now the word’s in the center ring of the global warming fight: “climate denial.”…Marc Morano, publisher of the Climate Depot blog and a former Inhofe aide, said the term captured the essential points for his side: that there shouldn’t be a rush to embrace the widely held scientific view that human emissions are leading to harmful warming, and that the public should entertain other views and other data. “The reason ‘skeptic’ is so apt, I believe, is because we were told that there was a consensus and this is no longer up for debate,” he said in an interview. “We’re skeptical of those claims.”

But Morano says the Obama administration and its allies are deliberately using the “denier” label to “intimidate and silence” their political opponents while they drive through their agenda. The term is being used more frequently, he said, because greens know the last years of the Obama administration are their best chance to win carbon regulations at home and a climate agreement abroad, he said. “They want a final push to just totally smear and discredit skeptics,” he said. “The reins of power right now are on their side.” But “denier” effectively means “liar,” and that’s a risky message, Morano said. “I don’t like to say someone’s a liar in political discourse, because it takes away from your case. You become the issue, and whatever language you use to say …

NASA’s James Hansen gets dissed by global warming establishment! Warmists Say Sea Level Rise study based on ‘flimsy evidence’ & ‘rife with speculation’

Former Top NASA Scientist James Hansen Predicts Catastrophic Rise In Sea Levels – ‘Projects sea levels rising as much as 10 feet in the next 50 years.’ – The paper has already ruffled some, including Associated Press science writer Seth Borenstein, who said on Twitter that he would not cover it — primarily because it had not yet been peer-reviewed, a process that allows other scientists to critique the work. The Washington Post’s Chris Mooney asked other climate experts to weigh in on the paper. While many said it raised key discussion points, Kevin Trenberth of the National Center for Atmospheric Research called it “provocative and intriguing but rife with speculation and ‘what if’ scenarios.”


Marc Morano, publisher of Climate Depot and producer of upcoming film ‘Climate Hustle’ (
Morano: “James Hansen’s new paper ratcheting up future sea level rise numbers is consistent with the new strategy of the global warming activists. Given that current sea level rise rates are not alarming, the only way climate activists can claim anything is ‘worse than we thought’ is to make more dire predictions of the future.
Simply making scarier predictions of the future in order to alarm policymakers is not ‘good science.’ Claiming that climate change impacts are ‘worse than we thought’ because predictions are now more frightening is a well worn playbook of the climate movement.
Simply put, when current reality fails to alarm, make scarier and scarier predictions of the distant future.
It is not surprising that James Hansen — a man who has been arrested nearly half a dozen times protesting ‘global warming’ and who has endorsed a book calling for ridding the world of industrial civilization — would continue to make scary predictions. The world needs to take a collective yawn at Hansen’s latest claims and ask how in the world was this man ever allowed to be in charge of the NASA temperature datasets!” – End Morano statement.
NASA’s James Hansen to Retire – Marc Morano Statement: ‘Celebrate! It’s A Happy Day for Science! Hansen’s sad legacy will serve as a cautionary tale for future scientists. Hansen chose ideology, activism, stagecraft and handcuffs over science.  He will be sorely missed by global warming skeptics, as he made our life so much easier by just being himself.  NASA & Science deserved much better than James Hansen.’
Global Warming Establishment severs ties with Hansen on sea level rise scare study: 

Warmist publication Mashable on James Hansen’s new sea level scare paper: “’s conclusions so contradict [UN IPCC] consensus views expressed last year.”

Mashable’s Andrew Freedman: ‘The godfather of global warming’s scary sea level rise prediction is getting the cold shoulder.”

NYT’s Andrew Revkin on Hansen’s sea level scare paper: “Associated Press, The New York Times, the BBC and The …