Small Sampling of Key Climategate emails: (more to be added)
Read All About it! Climate Depot Exclusive – Continuously Updated ‘ClimateGate’ News Round Up
Update: CRU Emails – Searchable Database Set Up
Compilation of key ClimateGate emails
ALERT: Media Game-Changer: UK Daily Mail: Climategate ‘undermines not only the CRU but the UN IPCC’
‘Climategate gang is writing the script for Copenhagen’
Another UN Scientist Bails: UN IPCC Coordinating Author Dr. Philip Lloyd calls out IPCC ‘fraud’ — ‘The result is not scientific’ – ‘The [UN IPCC] process is so flawed that the result is tantamount to fraud. As an authority, the IPCC should be consigned to the scrapheap without delay’
Prominent Dutch Scientist: ‘Climategate e-mails prove the intent to deceive’ — ‘This is no longer genuine science’ – ‘These are politically motivated people…it is a religion, or something tidier — a belief’
Award-winning Israeli Astrophysicist Shaviv on Climategate: ‘Not news to me’ – Skeptics told ‘any paper which doesn’t support [man-made warming theory] is politically motivated, and therefore has to be rejected’