Meteorologist Brad Panovich: ‘Slowest start to U. S. tornado season on record through 4/17 based on inflation adjusted tornado trend’


465 Responses

  1. The debate is over – Climate Change is a scam and the Climate Changers are nothing more than colluding hysterics, using spurious data, without ever producing control or baseline climate/weather data, required in ALL scientific measurements for reference.

    1. Not so….Algore says it is “settled science” and is even as we chat, is war gaming a sequel to “an inconvenient truth..” Algore is someone who ALWAYS tells the truth…What say you…?

      1. I say, Google pics of Al’s jets and his mansions.

        The debate is over, Al is the Jim AND Tammy Baker of the Climate Changer’s cult.

      2. Science is never “settled,” it always challenges itself and changes as our knowledge and understanding grows. Only dullards or those with agendas think that ANY science is “settled.”

        1. Have you been sleeping these past twenty years?

          This is exactly what they have done. That is, they have substituted this religious brain washing for real mathematics and real science that ed-school graduates simply have no capacity for teaching. I know, I tutor kids taking 2nd year algebra who can neither multiply nor divide even single digit integers. The scary thing is that they are all passing.

        2. Algorithims that prove man-made global warming. Hey…the sea levels are rising…aren’t they? They haven’t risen in Newport Beach, CA or Miami, FL but they have everywhere else.

      3. Settled Science? Seems odd that every thing in his movie has been debunked, so debunked that he is doing another movie to explain how he was wrong the first time and how the SETTLED SCIENCE is changing…..

      4. There is no such thing as settled science. Anyone who says otherwise is selling something.

        The whole point of science is that it is dynamic and changing constantly with each new piece of information. That is how it can progress. Everything is theory, and everything is provisional, no matter how solidly based it may seem.

        1. I’m hip, dude….Although there ARE zillions of things which can be called “settled science..” Theories of course aren’t settled, because well, they’re theories. But MUCH of science can certainly be termed as “settled..” Algore’s “Global Warming,” however, is not even a theory…It is wild speculation supported by made up “facts…,” designed solely for the enrichment of one Albert Arnold Gore…

      5. To put it simply, Al Gore is an idiot. And his followers (to include those who gave him the VP job) have a major screw loose – the one that provides for scientific thought and common sense.

      6. From the AP: A $500,000 study paid for by the federal government and released Sunday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change concludes that biofuels made with corn residue release 7 percent more greenhouse gases in the early years compared with conventional gasoline. So, after the internet, Al Gore invented a way to increase global warming…

        1. Interesting. Interesting indeed….So we have learned of late that Algore in fact did not invent the internet, and that Algore is a big fat liar when it comes to the global warming scam….Sooo I figure his only actual legacy – he left no legacy from his time as VP – is that he, and the love of his life Tippergore, were the inspiration for Erich Segal’s “Love Story…” Suuuure they were…

    2. It does not matter. The liberals and their global warming / climate change / whatever-they-will-need-to-change-the-name-to-in-the-future-to-keep-idiots-believing zealots, combined with the airhead media, and the moonbats lefties that long ago took over ameriKan aKademia – have long since cemented their propaganda into the gimme generation.

      Funny, how that liberal gimme generation, all voting for dolts like gore and obamma; so, so many of them drive large SUV’s in urban areas ( I see it – from Boston — oh, yea I live in a large condo complex, every single cold morning I go out to my car and see DOZENS of those liberal hypocrites with remote starters warming up their cars – some for 30 minutes – how big is that carbon footprint each morning? Or the waste of precious oil? – but I digress…

      NO matter WHAT happens climate or planet related, be it tornadoes or earthquakes, they WILL blame it on global warming.

      1. Make no mistake on what this is to the Global Warming supporters….this is a religion bordering on the same fanaticism as radical Islam. These people would have all made good loyal German citizens of the 1930’s and ALGORE is their furher.

        1. It’s not a religion as I have no faith that it is true. I accept that the planet is warming based on the evidence. If a better theory can be proposed that better explains all the data, then I would accept that, when it is fully embraced by the appropriate experts.

          1. What evidence??? Be specific genius… the earth has not warmed statistically in over 15 YEARS NOW ..despite the slight increase in carbon dioxide. … not a single prediction made by the cult of warmers has come true … not a single one…. so now… to cover their sorry butts, they tell us that all of the mayhem will start at the turn of the NEXT century….. LEARN HOW TO THINK..!

          2. There is no warming, the evidence is based on fraud by phony scientists that receive money and grants from criminal governments who have an agenda as long as they tow the party line. These same scientists were shouting from the rooftops in the 1970’s about the apocalypse of the coming ice age that was upon us and everyone would starve. Try looking at the snake oil merchants selling this BS and the obscene amounts of money they make off this hoax. Tells me all I need to know about phony climate change.

            1. You’re wrong about the consensus supporting cooling in the 70s. The consensus was still warming. There were a handful of papers supporting cooling. Also, it’s fallacious to say, if what you had said was correct, that because scientists were wrong in the past, they’re wrong now.

            2. You don’t know enough about climate science to reasonably take a position against the consensus. Why is it you don’t take the same position that the supposed skeptics might also be frauds and scammers.

      2. It doesn’t even need to happen on the planet any longer. I recall some idiot host (forget which) who asked if an asteroid passing the Earth was a cause of Global Warming. /sigh…you can’t fix stupid.

            1. Are you kidding? She works for CNN. They probably gave her a raise. If she reported for MSNBC they probably would have given her a Vice President position.

      3. Indeed. Give it a few days and they will claim that the LOW number of tornadoes this year is a result of global warming and is actually bad for us in some way.

        I for one could do with no tornadoes at all. The F-4 that hit Ringgold, GA in 2011 killed 9 people about 12 miles from where I live.

        1. I have friends and family in/near Moore, Oklahoma (2 F-5’s in the past decade or so). I think they would agree that fewer tornadoes is a GOOD thing, But then the Professional Storm Chasers’ lobby would probably argue that it’s bad for their business and try to tie it to AGW so they can jump aboard the AGW cash cow.

    3. They are like a kid that truly believes his dad can beat up all other dads. When in reality his dad is a big sissy. No matter what, the kid will always believe a non truth because it is impossible for him to see the truth.

    4. @ThePurpleFinger

      I agree however I am not going to accept this “study” until I know exactly what ” based on inflation adjusted tornado trend” means.
      The cult of GW/CC is always putting out claims with a dubious or missing scientific basis. We must never adopt their methods!

    1. You people just don’t get it. It is Climate Change! Climate Change is the undisputed cause of:
      * More tornadoes / less tornadoes
      * More hurricanes / less hurricanes
      * Droughts / floods
      * Record hot temperatures / record low temperatures
      * Ice melting in the Arctic / ice forming in the Antarctic
      * Eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis
      * Low test scores in public schools
      * The national debt
      * The Easter bunny
      * The NY Jets winning the Super Bowl
      * Anything else you want it to be the cause of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

      1. If everything is caused by Climate Change, then Climate Change must be that so-called Theory of Everything that Einstein was trying to formulate. This proves that Al Gore is even smarter than Mr. Smarty Pants Barack Hussein Obama and Miss Smarty Pantsuit Hillary Clinton. Al Gore in 2016!

      2. Not the easter bunny! That and all the symbols come from the worship of Ishtar.

        Look it up – this bunny thing is not about Christ; it is about a pagan religion.

        Thanks to so many we go down the wrong path and teach kids to hunt eggs dropped by a bunny – it that doesn’t strike you as stupid, o well.

        As I really learn more about this I find it hard going to church on this Sun, but for now will.

        1. If you are going to a church that promotes the “Easter Bunny”, and that doesn’t make Christ’s resurrection the focus, you SHOULD find it hard to go to church.
          Eostere, Ishtar, whatever, were all pagan celebrations that were incorporated into a money and power hungry organization that used (and still uses),”the Church” as a front. I can’t believe there are homeless people being evicted from abandoned public buildings in Rome, and local parishes declaring bankruptcy, while the Vatican and it’s corporate subsidiaries is the richest organization in the entire world.

  2. Now what was that fat, wooden, jet flying, mansion building, mannequin looking Al Gore saying was going to happen? Weren’t we all suppose to be dead by now?

    1. Haha…..I wondered the same thing. If you search it, you will come across an explanation form NOAA. Kind of confusing, but an explanation nonetheless 🙂

  3. How I yearn for the good old days before climate change, when every day was exactly 74.7F in the summer and it rained every evening at precisely 8:00 PM, a gentle steady rain to succor all the earth’s creatures. Leave it man to F everything up! The deniers should be burned at the stake by slow fire, then their smoldering carcasses fed to ravening junk-yard dogs. It’s the only way to save the planet!

      1. Mark – I think you must have used a leap-year in making your calculations. By my reckoning that would account for the discrepancy in our results.

  4. I sense algore-aphobia in the writers here. How dare they disagree with the Jesus of climate religion! He will soon accuse his blasphemers of wanting to nail him to a cross!

    Sad to say, however, as Al Gore’s nose grows longer as he gets richer and richer in his claims of godliness, an impartial observer can recognize a double-cross. To that, he deserves to be nailed.

  5. “Anti-racists” say there’s a RACE problem. They say it’ll be solved when
    non-Whites pour into ALL & ONLY White nations and “assimilate” to
    get a brown mixture.

    They say only White nations have this RACE problem; they say non-White nations are fine.

    If I object to my own genocide these “anti-racists” say I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

    They say they’re anti-racist. What they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White.

  6. Damn inconvenient truth for ALGore, eh? We were to have many, many more hurricanes, tornadoes and what ever other storm that is out there do to HIS Global Warming, but instead, peace in the Atmosphere.

  7. ‘Global warmin’… huk huk ha … if there is such a thing …. den why is it so cold outside??????

    and all the libtard commie 0bammer fans say there will be many nados n volcanos n earfquakes n katarinas…. Where are dey??? i have not seen any disaster… dats because the atheist libtard science bois are not very brite…

    We are all gunna die 666 thanks 2 the g00d lord plans not cuz of ‘global warmin’ 666… Satan is here 666 his name is 0bammer 666….

  8. Since there are no tornadoes that is really weird so global warming is freaking out the weather and the warmers are right!!!….

    Naw that sounds stupid the “warmers ” are freasks

    1. You beat me to it. In the deranged liberal moonbat-manbearpig world of junk science they call AGW (man-made global warming…OOPS I mean now called “climate change”), ANYTHING the weather does that seems out of “norm” for us (as it always has done in the history of this planet) is because of cow farts, us driving SUVs, back yard grilling, etc.

      If it rains too much, man-made global warming! If it doesn’t rain at all, man-made global warming! Too many hurricanes, man-made global warming! Fewer than forecast hurricanes, man-made global warming!

      Mindless radical leftnut Algore following useful idiots trying to control our lives with their side show junk science.

    2. A few years ago it was the the other way around. Too bad All’s followers and the Dem party can’t remember what they said last time. But worse – so many mindless follow them, then the GOP has become useless.

    1. It could mean that the criteria for classifying whether a windstorm is, or is not, a tornado have changed over the years as the science of meteorology has improved. Ergo, some method of normalizing these annual counts of tornadoes over the years they have been recorded.

  9. Am guessing ‘inflation adjusted’ is just a really poor choice of terms to describe how much better we are at detecting all tornados today, vs past decades when some would slip by unnoticed. Or maybe they are just more expensive as the name suggests.

  10. Diversity is a code word for less White People.

    Nobody says an Asian country that is 100% Asian needs more diversity.

    Nobody says an African country that is 100% Black needs more diversity.

    Anti-Whites claim “anti-racism” and demand diversity for White countries and ONLY White countries. They say
    it’s Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, but White countries for EVERYBODY?

  11. So could all that CO2 we’re releasing escape the atmosphere and be drawn to the sun by gravity and act like a giant fire extinguisher causing the sun to go out?
    We could call it global warming cooling.

  12. “inflation adjusted” weather????? This sounds as bogus as consensual science.

    You know the consensual “scientists” that use their created models, rather that empirical data.

  13. The Left lost the “debate” when they didn’t propose a solution to the alleged climate change, but rather proposed a government money making scheme (“carbon tax”) that would not solve the alleged problem. ““It is well-past time that we put a price on carbon and not just accept the price that it extracts from us.” – Al Gore

  14. Just goes to show that climatic activity, and predicting its cause and effect, is about as accurate as a hockey player shooting a puck into a golf hole.

    1. Dupes like Obama will take other people’s money to buy the desert- swamp on paper for $X; But they Collect $2X. They pocket the other $X, then share it around to their friends like Jesse and AL-not-so-Sharpton and Holder. Some they use to Buy off a few Whites and give some food stamps to stupid urban blacks to keep them dependent. The become fat and happy. Then when we complain, they accuse us of racism, and pushing granny over the cliff. The sycophantic media, usually white gals and guys, feeling guilty for their own racism, go along with Obama and Jesse and Sharpton because they believe that regular people harbor the same racist feelings like them.

  15. If it is drought or famine, hot or cold, more or less tornados, earthquake tremors, more rain, less rain, floods or dust-storms or even expected weather, Obama the Dupe believes it is Climate Change. he tells us that. he is a very foolish man.
    Algore the Scam artist and dupes like Obama who would use anything for gov’t control and to make money and live the good life while asking everyone else to sacrifice. People have to understand, Obama is stuck in his ideology. Obama is not a bright man, his bone-headed brain is not flexible enough to learn and he is a lazy man. Obama believes every left-wing idiotic, moronic proposition. Worse there are a lot of these dupes all over the world. These are the people involved in the French revolution, the kind of people who fall for communism and stay with it even when things get worse. They too have stagnant bone-headed brains. these people are just foolish; heir eyes are usually fogged over with jealousy and anger and hate.

  16. Better get ahold of Al. There is plenty of blame to go round for this “no twister” season. I would start with the cold this winter and get ahold of George Bush as the main culprits.

  17. The media sounds disappointed that there hasn’t been any deadly tornado’s yet. They love bad news. Guess they will have to continue with their story on Justin Bieber deportation, and Miley Cyrus’s genital herpes. Hanna Montana gets around on broke back mountain.

  18. People are right the news media are upset that no kids died yet in a destroyed school or cars and trucks flipped over and people pinned and dying…Here In Okla where I am It is nice not to have to worry about it… But as soon as a tornado come and rips apart peoples lives the press with be here like fiy’s on crap…I am sure they are praying for a F5 somewhere to kill someone..

  19. You people just don’t get it. It is Climate Change! Let me try to help you understand.
    Climate Change is the undisputed cause of:
    * More tornadoes / less tornadoes
    * More hurricanes / less hurricanes
    * Droughts / floods
    * Record hot temperatures / record low temperatures
    * Ice melting in the Arctic / ice forming in the Antarctic
    * Eczema, seborrhea, psoriasis
    * Low test scores in public schools
    * The national debt
    * The Easter bunny
    * The NY Jets winning the Super Bowl
    * Anything else you want it to be the cause of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  20. See, all you deniers, more violent weather is here. All the wind from the tornadoes is spread out over the whole country now. Hope you deniers are satisfied.

  21. My neighborhood in Michigan got wiped out last Saturday by a tornado. The local govt. will not admit to it. Massive damage but no admission due to protecting the insurance companies.

        1. Doesn’t matter how a house gets knocked down, insurance has to pay, unless it is a flood. In fact, it may even be better if it isn’t declared a tornado. If you have homeowners, which you should, you are covered, you don’t need FEMA. Why would you expect Fed assistance anyway. You should be paying for your own insurance.

          1. I pay big time. My home was damaged by a fire on 11/23/2013. USAA will not total it unless it burned down to the foundation. Too bad I didn’t wait 5 more minutes to call 911.
            Now my NEW home just got hit. I will pay for the repairs myself, thank you. Easier to deal with.

  22. Yes Im not into the global warming hoopla at all concerning air pollution,HOWEVER…litter and trash (especially in bodies of water, most especially oceans) has reached a critical point. The massive Pacific Ocean trash is proof that we individually have to clean up around us and help our communities to counter trash polluting sources. No one wants to live near a fracking site or a refinery or chemical company. And as a fisherman, I sure as heck dont enjoy seeing so much trash on shore and off shore all over the place..that is something everyone can agree on. But as for the air pollution contributing to less or more severe weather…until there is hundreds of years of weather data to go on, the climate change argument is moot.

  23. in 1884 all them coal and oil burning plants and cars caused global warming back then they had the most tornadoes oh wait that can’t be cars weren’t invented then.

  24. Maybe the Democrat senators can hold another global warming sleepover on Capitol Hill and tell scary stories and eat smores and hide in their sleeping bags.

  25. Don’t you get it by now – No matter what: no snow, more snow; colder, hotter; drought, floods; more hurricanes, less hurricanes;stronger hurricanes, weak hurricanes. etc. ad nauseaum. It is all man-made global warming. I just wish all you ignorant people would stop thinking for yourselves and seeing with your own eyes and start believing what you are being told by these liberals.

  26. Slowest start to tornado season record. Can’t be, Fat arse Gore said over and over that this climate change would bring more tornadoes and storms and they would be more violent. Same with hurricanes. Don’t you folks believe big Al?

    NEVER expect a democrat to tell the truth.

    1. Big Al has a lot of money in this game. See Generation Investment Management. The gore-acle is projected to become the first climate billionaire.

  27. Obama: “Global Warming is settled science.”

    What is “settled science?” Over 300 years ago Sir Issac Newton’s
    Principia was thought to be “settled science.” The Principia
    was published on 5 July 1687 with encouragement and financial help from Edmond Halley. Newton’s theories
    were not to be improved upon for more than 200 years.

    Then Einstein improved upon Newton’s theories. General relativity is a theory of
    gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907–1915. General relativity
    has been confirmed many times, the classic experiments being the perihelion
    precession of Mercury’s orbit, the deflection of light by the Sun, and the gravitational
    redshift of light.

    Today, physicists are trying to unite the microcosm of quantum mechanics, and the macrocosm of the theory of general
    relativity. Again, what was thought as “settled science” 100 years ago is again changing.

    In short, those who claim all “science is settled” is either a fool or a lier!

      1. Yes, we must choose. Those who knowingly put forward the lie of global warming/global change are liars. The koolaid drinkers who believe them are the fools. Prosecute the liars, educate the drinkers!

  28. Wow, I was sure that global warming , which has changed to climate change, would mean that there would be really bad weather instead of just warmer weather. Now climate change is also is not happening there could be another name change to “global just a tad unpleasant at times weather”

  29. Gee, it must be Global Warming. Just a break caused by Republican gridlock financed by the Kock Brothers. Soon we will go back to severe storms caused by global warming and earthquakes caused by fracking. Pollution should be controlled

    1. The Dems’ have their own billionaire supporters in Tom Steyer and Waren Buffet. Tom Steyer is pledging $100 Million to the Dems pockets to stop the Keystone Pipeline. That stops 10’s of thousands of US jobs and $Billions of taxes.

      Note that Warren Buffet owns rail roads that transports the Keystone oil into the USA instead of the pipeline. A train transporting oil from Canada de-railed and destroyed a town:

      April 16, 2014:
      “Less than a year ago, a runaway train carrying crude oil derailed releasing of thousands galloons of the highly flammable crude oil spelled from ruptured tank cars, setting off fireballs in the towns’s center that killed 47 people and destroyed 30 buildings.

      The Koch brothers build hospital wings and support medical research!

      1. Sweetheart, it’s obvious that you are a “KOCH-SUCKER” and if there is one thing I love doing, it’s B!TCH-SLAPPING the “simple-folk” like you. Are you busy, because I want to make fun of you?

      2. The Canadian should just build the pipeline to the West and ship it that way. The jobs can still be held be Americans, just inside Canada. If the Chines get the oil and power their industries at the expense of American jobs, that’s on Obama and the democrats.

  30. With the XL Pipeline, I say the Administration has sealed the deal. The Canadian Oil is Chinese. They might as well start building the pipeline to the west. They will never get it past the environazis in the Administration.

    1. I say 10,000’s of USA jobs and $ Billions of tax money are being lost by Obama’s support for the Eco-Terists Left Wing and Dem Billionaires!

    2. There are enough Dem Senators that will support the pipeline if the Republicans take the Senate in 2016…enough to make it a veto-proof majority. The only other problem would be the lawsuits filed by the enviro whackos and tried by leftist judges.

    1. Depends on when you listen to them. The 70’s: Global Winter. The 90’s: Global cooling. The 00’s: Climate Change. Year 2009: Climate-Gate where the emails from the main scientists show that they cooked the data, graphs, and the Science!

      1. I remember worrying about how we’d warm our house in Chicago back in the 70s, but I learned from that and now do not worry how we will cool our house today.

  31. OK, coldest winter on record, record snow and rain falls and now no tornado’s. Looks like that raving maniac and official U.S. mascot for stupidity al gore missed the boat yet again.

    1. Yet the Global Warming bookies will cook the books so show that the 2013-2014 winter was the warmest ever. Yet the winter 2013-14 was the coldest in 40 years to 100 years.

        1. The “hockey stick” has been disproved. There hasn’t been any warming in at least the past 15 years. Put down your crack pipe. I heard that Al Gore has some oceanfront property in Arizona that he’d like to sell to you.

          1. Sweetheart, this is when I get to have my fun and make fools out of you “simple-folk” who are climate deniers. You claimed the “hockey stick” has been disproved, didn’t you? Okay, now post the evidence that proves your point. Remember be specific and name your sources. Thank you. Let the BATTA-BINGING-BEGIN!!!!!

            1. After you, skidmark. Where are your ‘peer reviewed’ papers from 5 years ago stating your fake global warming (was it still ‘global warming’ 5 years ago?) was going to hide at the bottom of the oceans? ROFL! Then follow up with which model predicted (5 years ago) the reduction in hurricanes and tornadoes.
              For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

              1. Sweetheart, I asked to post proof, and be specific, and what do you post??? All Bull$hit!!! I love when you “simple-folk” prove how stupid you are. Thank you!!

                1. Skidmark, you got nothing. You know it. I know it. Everyone reading your infantile garbage knows it. ROFL!
                  Mouth breather, when you have nothing intelligent to say, why make it so painfully obvious?

                  1. Sweetheart, should I type slower for you??? Still can’t get specific can you? Come back when you have some evidence to post. I love giving you “simple-folk” the old BATTA-BING!! Thank you

                    1. Skidmark, you have yet to provide a single peer reviewed paper predicting Precious (aka global-warming-I-mean-climate-change) was going to hide at the bottom of the oceans. Seems like ‘settled science’ should have predicted their latest excuse for The Model’s most recent failure. ROFL!
                      Pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

              1. Sweetheart, I’ m still waiting for you to post your evidence. I guess you don’t have any. BATTA-BING!!! You “simple-folk” talk a good game, but when it comes to putting your cards on the table, you have none, why is that????

        2. Skidmark, a major reason NOAA adjusts their temperature readings into a hockey stick shape is because thermometers do lie. How else to explain their not matching The Model’s predictions? ROFL!
          Pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

          1. Sweetheart, Michael Mann is gonna end up owning, Mark Styne and the National Review, because of the Hockey Stick!!!!!! I love B!TCH-SLAPPING you “simple-folk” BATTA-BING!!

            1. Skidmark, are you talking about the self-proclaimed ‘Nobel Prize Winner,’ Michael Mann? Look up ‘scientific misconduct’ in a dictionary (that’s a book with words and definitions) and you’ll find Mann’s picture. Do you know what courts do to nitwits that lie in their sworn affidavits? No. Of course you don’t. ROFL!
              Pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

              1. Sweetheart, look up “yellow journalism?” Never mind, look up how much the National Review is worth, so we can add it to Michael Mann’s asset sheet. Revenge feels so good, doesn’t it??? The National Review defense team has already thrown in the towel. Let’s start counting the money. Let the BITCH-SLAPPIN BEGIN!!!!! BATTA-BING!!!!

                1. Skidmark, you’re as out of the loop on the courtroom capers of Lord Hockey Stick of Nobel as one would expect. I won’t ask you for some proof to back up your nonsense. We both know you don’t have any. You might want to catch up on some current events, if you can find someone to read to you. ROFL!
                  Pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

  32. All this “global warming” coupled with Obama’s “guaranteed” higher electric costs is costing me a fortune. Get the progressive warmist kooks out of our government!

        1. Sweetheart, do you want to save money or burn coal? Would you rather put money in your pocket, or in the pockets of the Koch brothers??? You “simple-folk” just don’t get it, do you?

                    1. Sweetheart, I’m a B!TCH-SLAPPER, who likes making fun of the “simple-folk” what are you missing?????

                    2. if you could only realize how absolutely brainless you sound…
                      but LibTurds are too brainless to feel embarrassment
                      that’s why you are so proud of you absolute stupidity..

                    3. “I’m a B!TCH-SLAPPER”
                      ROFL! Start with your mother for her obvious lack of parenting skills.

  33. Obama: “Global Warming is settled science.”

    What is “settled science?” Over 300 years ago Sir Issac Newton’s
    Principia was thought to be “settled science.” The Principia
    was published on 5 July 1687. Newton’s theories were not to be improved upon for more than 200 years.

    Then Einstein improved upon Newton’s theories.

    General relativity is a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907–1915. General relativity
    has been confirmed many times, the classic experiments being the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit, the deflection of light by the Sun,
    and the gravitational redshift of light. Other tests confirmed the equivalence principle and frame dragging.

    Today, physicists are trying to unite the microcosm of quantum mechanics, and the macrocosm of the theory ofgeneral relativity. Again, what
    was thought as “settled science” 100 years ago is changi

    In the 70’s the mantra was global cooling… a new ice age. It soon morphed into a global warming fad, and then a climate change cult.

    In short, those who claim all “science is settled” is either a fool or a liar!

  34. Obama: “Global Warming is settled science.”

    What is “settled science?” Over 300 years ago Sir Issac Newton’s Principia was thought to be “settled science.” The Principiawas published on 5 July 1687. Newton’s theories were not to be improved upon for more than 200 years.

    Then Einstein improved upon Newton’s theories.

    General relativity is a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907–1915. General relativity
    has been confirmed many times, the classic experiments being the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit, the deflection of
    light by the Sun, and the gravitational redshift of light. Other tests confirmed the equivalence principle and frame dragging.

    Today, physicists are trying to unite the microcosm of quantum mechanics, and the macrocosm of the theory of general relativity. Again, what
    was thought as “settled science” 100 years ago is changing.

    In the 70’s the mantra was global cooling… a new ice age. It soon morphed into a global warming fad, and then a climate change cult.

    In short, those who claim all“science is settled” is either a fool or a liar!

  35. Obama: “Global Warming is settled science.”

    What is “settled science?” Over 300 years ago Sir Issac Newton’s Principia was thought to be “settled science.” The Principia
    was published on 5 July 1687. Newton’s theories were not to be improved upon for more than 200 years.

    Then Einstein improved upon Newton’s theories.

    General relativity is a theory of gravitation developed by Einstein in the years 1907–1915. General relativity has been confirmed many times, the classic experiments being the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit, the deflection of light by the Sun, and the gravitational
    redshift of light. Other tests confirmed the equivalence principle and frame dragging.

    Today, physicists are trying to unite the microcosm of quantum mechanics, and the macrocosm of the theory of
    general relativity. Again, what was thought as “settled science” 100 years ago is changing.

    In the 70’s the mantra was global cooling… a new ice age. It soon morphed into a global warming fad, and then a climate change cult.

    In short, those who claim all “science is settled” is either a fool or a liar!

  36. Why would anybody believe anything Marc Morano is selling? Even the “simple-folk” are starting to understand that climate change is killing us. Marc Marano is a “KOCH-SUCKER” funded by the Koch brothers, the 1%, and the fossil-fuel industry. Any questions???

    1. That’s because the “simple folk” believe what they are fed. Most educated folks aren’t buying this bull$hit. I take it from your comment that you’re in the “simple folk” category.

      1. Sweetheart, you claimed most educated folks aren’t buying this bull$hit, didn’t you? What do the educated climate-scientists publishing “peer-reviewed” studies have to say on AGW???? I’m willing to bet you’re not educated enough to know. Am I right?

        1. C’mon, skidmark. Why are you hiding? It’s a simple challenge for the biggest AGW blowhard on the thread:
          Where are your ‘peer reviewed’ papers from 5 years ago stating your fake global warming (was it still ‘global warming’ 5 years ago?) was going to hide at the bottom of the oceans? ROFL! Then follow up with which model predicted (5 years ago) the reduction in hurricanes and tornadoes.
          For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

          1. Sweetheart, if you’re making a claim, then it’s up to you to post the proof, get the idea? This keeps the “simple-folk” from makin stupid statements. See how this works? If you have papers that fake warming was going to hide at the bottom of the oceans. Let’s see them!! Put up or shut up. Let’s see what you got??? Remember be specific and name your sources, so I can make fun of you. Thanks.

            1. Skidmark, let’s review:
              1. You admit you have not a single peer reviewed paper suggesting the bogus global-warming-I-mean-climate-change was going to hide at the bottom of the ocean. Check.
              2. You admit you have not one model that predicted a reduction in hurricane and tornado activity. Check.
              3. You admit your only argument is, “but Koch brothers!” Check.
              4. You admit you got nothing. Check.
              Seems your ‘settled science’ has made quite the metamorphosis over the last several years. ROFL!
              For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

              1. Sweetheart, I haven’t admitted anything. I asked you to post your proof and you ended up with your dick in your hand. We’re still laughing. BATTA-BING!! You “simple-folk” are so cute. Thanks

                1. Skidmark, try not focusing on my dick, hard as you might be for me.
                  You were going to show us all how the ‘proof’ thing works, remember? Instead, you admit you don’t have any proof that your cosmetologists predicted Precious would suddenly hide at the bottom of the ocean. You also admit you don’t have any proof that The Model said there would be a reduction on hurricanes and tornadoes. So, besides proving you think about my dick a lot, all you’ve proven is that your ‘settled science’ did not predict anything that is happening today. You’re making this entirely too easy. ROFL!
                  Pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

        2. “Climate scientists” are beholden to the government redistributing my tax dollars to fund their nonsensical studies. The more crap they spew out, the more tax dollars they get. Nice way to make a living…commit fraud, verify the fraud in a slew of emails, and the money keeps rolling in.

          1. Sweetheart only a “KOCH-SUCKER” who supports the Koch brothers would say something as stupid as you have. If you can prove 97.3% of the climate scientists publishing peer reviewed got it wrong, prove it. Post your evidence so I can make fun of you. You’re up babe.

  37. Global Warming: Global Cooling: Climate Change Will Always Be Here on Earth: The Real Question is What Causes This Cycle of the Weather to Change: Is it Man Made or is it Solar Flares: Magnetic Fields: El Nino: La Nina: Even if you believed the the Al Gore Sheep, Countries like China and India (40% of Population) will continue to use coal, etc. I feel sorry for the sheep. Too much Kool Aid: Jim Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  38. If you listen to quacks like Owl Gore…this is the calm before the storm—no pun intended. It’s all about the money. Maurice Strong is the man behind the global warming scam curtain. Al Gore and Maurice Strong, long-time Canadian environmentalist and secretary-general of the first global Earth Summit, have made their fortunes selling man-made global warming, Strong lives a reclusive life in communist China…the very country which produces more carbon emissions than the USA. Hypocrites to the nth degree.

  39. Its global warming I tell you. It happens every spring and global cooling in the fall. Or at least in the Northern Hemisphere. In Algores mind I believe it is always “a storming idiot” weather pattern.

            1. Sweetheart comrade???? are you calling me a socialist??? You do realize the United States is the greatest socialized nation that ever existed, don’t you???

              1. Skidmark: “Uh, uh, uh, Koch brothers! Uh, uh, uh, socialism! Uh, uh, uh, BATTA-BING (sic).”
                When you have nothing intelligent to say, why make it so painfully obvious? ROFL!

  40. Now we finally have proof global warming exists.
    This is an unprecedented lack of storms just as predicted by Al Gore when there were a lot of storms predicted by Al Gore as well.

  41. This global warming thing is really schizophrenic. Fewer tornados, fewer hurricanes, record cold weather across the nation, female poodles hiding under couches when Algore’s around. Bizarre stuff.

  42. Logic tells me that All and his followers are chasing a religion that is founded on the control of others. I am guessing most of the big supporters are the spoiled rich who never get out in nature, those who need a cause to give value to their meaningless little lives.

  43. Global Warming is attracting Asteroids to earth causing near earth collisions. It is only a matter of time before one wipes out a major city!
    Al Gore
    Chicken Little
    John Holdren

    1. Didn’t it destroy mankind about 15 years ago? I’m not sure about the timing – 15 years ago might be when AIDS killed mankind. I get my liberal Armageddons confused, as there have been so many mankind ending events.

  44. Since more tornadoes a couple of years ago were “incontrovertible proof” of global warming, logically, the inverse must be true here. Clearly, we’ve entered a period of global cooling! Quick – everybody to their SUV’s and turn your heaters to MAX!!!

    1. WOW. Thank you for the link, this is a real eyeopener. NOT ONCE have we ever heard about the deforestation of the great rainforests that hold the key to health discoveries and cures! It doesn’t fit the elites agenda so they brush it under the rug!

  45. Are the Global/Climate/Change-ists whatever they are this week disappointed? Cryin’ out loud, we just had snow last week, and I still have ice in the back yard. I can wait a few weeks for the tornadoes to start. What’s the hurry?

  46. There was never ANY correlation of tornado frequency/severity to earth’s temperature in the first place. If anything it appears to be anti-correlated – but only slightly.

    The only thing that explains why these charlatans repeatedly keep throwing out their precious “model” results to scare us is that they have a mental disorder in addition to an abject failure to recognize the difference between reality and their fantastic hope of doom.

  47. Idiot Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) once warned that there would be more “killer tornadoes” like what had then recently occurred in Texas if people didn’t start buying hybrid cars. Should one assume this season’s low tornado count is because everybody is buying hybrid cars?

      1. Perhaps the Koch Bros could immunize themselves against climate change fanatics if they bought fleets of hybrid cars for their businesses? Plus, if one subscribes to Dick Durbin’s crackpot theory that hybrid cars are almost like “tornado repellent,” the Kochs would be doing a great service for home dwellers who would then no longer need basements or storm cellars.

  48. Hey, God controls the weather and everything else on the Planet Earth and the heavens.
    Man has absolutely nothing to do with when, where, what or how.

  49. The Global Warmers are never held accountable for the Predictions they make that don’t come true.
    Al Gore said the “Arctic Ice Cap would melt in 5 years” , didn’t happen and is getting larger.
    Al Gore said, “We are going to have Extreme Hurricanes the following year after Katrina” didn’t happen.
    All the Glaciers in the World are melting, didn’t happen.
    The Ice Cap on Mt. Everest was going to be completely melted in a few years, didn’t happen.
    52 Global Warming Scientist ventured to Antarctica (last October 2013) to prove that the Ice was melting, they were stranded in the Ice and had to be rescued and the rescue ship got struck in the Ice, that did happen.
    The Polar Bears are becoming extinct, didn’t happen.
    Everytime they say it’s getting Hotter it gets Colder. Everytime they predict Extreme Weather is doesn’t happen.

    I don’t think God is on their side, he wants to control the Weather!!!!!!!!!!!!

  50. Due to global warming der Fuhrer is planning to implement a new fuel blend. Presently we are using E-10. For all of you low IQ voters, the present fuel blend is made up of 10% ethanol and 90% gasoline. Der Fuhrer wants to upgrade America to an E-15 blend which contains 15% ethanol and 85% gasoline. You low IQ voters are wondering what’s wrong with that? Unless you own a car with a flex fuel engine the new fuel blend will destroy the engine in your car because of its high alcohol content. You will be forced to buy a new car or spend a couple of thousand dollars (that you don’t have) on a conversion kit. Your hero der Fuhrer is stabbing you in the back. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

  51. Global Cooling. It gets warmer.
    Global Warming. It gets cooler.
    Global Carming. Nope.
    Global Wooling. Nope.
    Global Cooming. Nope.
    Global Warling. Nope.
    Cr@p, what can we call it?
    Climate Change!

  52. The inability of The Model to correctly predict Climate Change is further proof of how much the climate is changing!
    Hat tip to Rainbow Dash, for saying it another way.

  53. Usually, when there is a quiet tornado season, that reflects a reduction in the Sun’s output.
    Also, cold and wet Winters

    Is it possible, that they weather is changing; because, of the Sun’s output is changing? Not some man made SCAM?

  54. Outside of tornadoes and hurricanes disappearing altogether could the “consensus of climate scientists” about more frequent and more severe hurricanes and tornadoes been further off-track??? And yet they still expect people to take them seriously?

    1. And global temps have been dropping over the last 5-10yrs…. Should have been impossible according to the “climate” models.

      CO2 is plant food. Warmer temps have always been good for humans throughout history. It is cold that we should be afraid of, ask the Europeans who starved and died horrible deaths during the Maunder Minimum, the people who died during the Little Ice Age…… Warmer is better than colder and CO2 allows crops to grow better, use less water, produce higher yields and with less fertilizers.

  55. Well, since it is “consensus” among “scientists” that global warming causes increased tornado activity, this decreased activity must also be due to global warming. And so must be normal activity.

  56. Well comrades, what more evidence do you need that startling changes are happening to our climate!?!

    Feel free to send your money to fund me directly. We will cut out the bourgeoisie-bureaucracy and get things moving forward, or side-ways, or whatever…just send the money.

  57. OH NO! Slow start to Tornado season? Hurry everyone, get outside, start up your vehicles and lawn mowers. We need to correct this before it gets out of hand! Less tornado’s mean less drama the media can hype up to prove the “so-called” theory of Global Warming. I’m Baffled.

  58. Algore is a criminal and should be in jail for hoodwinking his mentally challenged followers out of millions of dollars with his bogus climate scam.
    He lives in a huge mansion that uses as much energy as a small neighborhood and flies around the world in large jet airliners all in the name of saving the planet.
    Low information liberals show just how low their intelligence levels are by blindly following a guy that is nuttier than a squirrel turd,This after the authors of the last major climate change report admitted that they falsified data in order to come up with the outcome they desired..

    1. Sweetheart where are you getting the idea that Gores mansion uses as much electricity as a small neighbor hood. Be specific and name your sources, thank you.

      1. Sweetheart it has been documented with Gore’s utility bills. Are you so lazy that you cannot simply look it up?

        From ABC News
        “Armed with Gore’s utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president’s 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.”

        Do you use Algore as a hand puppet? Do you want to?

    1. Sweetheart why do you “simple-folk” have to make fools out of yourself when it comes to AGW? Do the Koch brothers ever thank you for being a “KOCH-SUCKER??”

      1. I see you have Harry Reid syndrome. It causes one to blurt out Koch randomly and involuntarily. Sort of like tourette syndrome but with a more limited vocabulary.

        1. Sweetheart, I have the, I love to BITCH-SLAPP the boneheads syndrome. I like making fun of the “simple-folk” who watch fox, and support the Koch brothers. I love giving these folks the old BATTA-BING!! Do you need some???

          1. My goodness, skidmark. You certainly know when to run away from a simple question. This shouldn’t be that difficult for the self-proclaimed master of peer reviewed gorebull warmering. ROFL!
            Where are your ‘peer reviewed’ papers from 5 years ago stating your fake global warming (was it still ‘global warming’ 5 years ago?) was going to hide at the bottom of the oceans? ROFL! Then follow up with which model predicted (5 years ago) the reduction in hurricanes and tornadoes.
            For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

                1. Sweetheart, facts hurt, don’t they??? What’s wrong 13,950 peer reviewed studies can’t be wrong, can they? Did I burst your bubble, baby?

  59. Does this quality as climate change? Being as that it’s unusual weather to have so few tornados at this point I’m the season? Climate change strikes again. /sarcasm

  60. You see the climate change is a good thing, only problem are the believers in climate change, they want to go back to violent weather and collect money from all of us as a protection from God.
    It is settled alarmists, climate change is a good thing.

    1. Because, don’t you see, uhmmmm errrr climate change, uhmmm bigger, uhmmmm still climate change caused the snow to melt 20 years ago…

    1. You “simple-folk” are so cute. I love the way you assume that a slow start, means the whole season will stay this way. You boneheads always jump to conclusions don’t you?

      1. I love when arrogant fools try to assert some misplaced superiority. Snide belittlement is a sure sign that you’ve little in the way of intellect to back up your poor manners.

        Yes, a slow start to this season does not mean a low total. However, seeing that 2013 was the lowest recorded total tornado season on record, and by a wide margin, it seems the trend is one direction. And that direction is decidedly downward, exactly counter to the proclamations from the Totalitarian Global Warmists.

        Perhaps you watermelons should either come clean or rot. Either way the truth will ultimately be realized, as it always is.

        1. Sweetheart, I’m not an arrogant fool, I’ a B!TCH-SLAPPER who loves taking advantage of the “simple-folk” like you. You’re missing the big picture, honey. What do the climate scientists publishing “peer-reviewed” studies have to say on AGW? Do you know?

          1. Skidmark, you’re back! If you’ve sobered up, give this one another go. You’ve been running from it all day.
            Where are your ‘peer reviewed’ papers from 5 years ago stating your fake global warming (was it still ‘global warming’ 5 years ago?) was going to hide at the bottom of the oceans? ROFL! Then follow up with which
            model predicted (5 years ago) the reduction in hurricanes and tornadoes.
            For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

          2. Yyyeeesss…..I actually DO know. And they and their computer modeling have been wrong so many times that they are almost as pathetic, inane, and asinine as you are sonny boy.

            1. Sweetheart, if there computer modeling is wrong, prove it to them. Don’t waste your time here. If you know more then the climate scientists, tell them. By the way what do you do foe a livng???

              1. It’s wrong because the data says it’s wrong. The “scientists” know this already Skidmark. When accurate predictions of observed data cannot be made what does one call such a scientific theory? I’ll give you a hint. It sounds starts with an “F” and ends in “ailure”. Go ahead an move your lips if it helps.

                1. Sweetheart, talk about shooting yourself in the foot!!!!! What’s the black line running at a 45 degree angle??? You “simple-folk” don’t care how much you embarrass yourself, do you?

                  1. Well Butt Stain, that black line at a 45 degree angle is the average of the climate models predictions of the global observed temperature. Those blue and green lines way down near the bottom are the actual observed data. HadCRUT4 and UAH are what the climate propagandists try very hard to suppress since the actual data doesn’t match climate model predictions. And for those simpletons out there like you, what that actually means is that the climate models, upon which all the dire predictions are based, are faulty. Good scientific theory is able to predict the observed data, yet these modern climate models cannot. Now go back to you OWS protests and begin crapping on the sidewalk again rather than in your panties.

                    1. Sweetheart, I want to see what kind of logic you’re gonna use, when you try to defend the pipeline. This should be good. Give me the “KOCH-SUCKERS” position on this video, so I can give you the old BATTA-BING!! You’re up!!!!!

      2. No, you arrogant douchebags don’t get sarcasm. That would require having an IQ higher than that of shower curtain mildew. I’m sure it’s easier for you just to believe the lies. THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING. Where’s your sign?

        1. Sweetheart, once again, I’m not an arrogant douchebag, I’m a B!TCH-SLAPPER. I love giving the old BATTA-BING!! to the “simple-folk” Especially the climate deniers. I want to make fun of someone, are you busy????

          1. Skidmark, still not one article predicting the oceans would eat your global-warming-I-mean-climate-change?
            ROFL! It’s beginning to look like you aren’t going to produce one. What’s up with that? I mean, ‘settled science’ and blah blah blah is all you idiots got.
            For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

          2. Nnnnooooo…….you’re just a lippy little pussy who sits safe and sound behind his screen and in front of his keyboard, typing out words to see where they splatter.
            If you had any actual idea of what you were talking about you might be dangerous. But then you really don’t, do you?

      3. Yeah, that’s what you oh so progressive folks said when a couple of winters in a row with record breaking snow and cold turned into 8 consecutive winters of ever more record cold, snow, and ice numb nuts. Then sea ices came back with a vengeance, glacial recession in many ares not only stopped but also reversed, There were less hurricanes and tropical storms. fewer tornadoes…….

        “If you can’t explain the pause, you can’t explain the cause!”

  61. Fighting global warming requires more money which requires more work which requires more energy consumption which requires more pollution which requires more fighting global warming which requires more money which requires . . . .

          1. C’mon, skidmark. You can do better than that. Even a one trick pony like you can surely come up with just one of those peer reviewed papers you’re so proud of that predicted the ocean would eat your Precious (aka global warming). Where’s that paper, skidmark? ROFL!
            For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

              1. Skidmark, ROFL! 13,950 ‘peer reviewed’ articles, and guess what? Not ONE of them said the oceans were going to eat your global warming! ROFL! How embarrassing for you.
                C’mon, skidmark. Bring it! I’m looking for some ‘settled science’ that said the oceans would eat your Precious. Or one report where The Model said hurricanes and tornadoes would disappear. Get to it, skidmark. So far, all you have is the typical libloon verbal diarrhea. You’re more than a puddle of diarrhea, aren’t you, skidmark. Sure. I know you are. ROFL! So FIND THAT ARTICLE, skidmark!
                For God’s sake, pull your head out of ManBearPig’s rectum before you kill your other brain cell.

              2. Would those studies have been published before or after “Climategate” where we all found out the pressure the journals were under not to publish any contradictory research, hmm?
                Your side has been flat wrong about every single prediction it made. It was till pushing the warming when they knew that it had in fact stopped! That would be absolutely hilarious if it weren’t so pathetic.

              3. The peer reviewers can make all the propaganda they wish. That isn’t how science is supposed to be conducted. The dara says there has been no global warming for 17 years and 8 months (soon to be 9 months). Guess how long the warming period was that ended in 1998, Skidmark? What has happened with the very beneficial CO2 since then? What happened to the Maunder Minimum and the Little Ice Age from 1994 to today? And Algore’s mansion uses the same energy as 20 homes, funny how you ignored your bitch slap.

                1. Sweetheart, please post the evidence that proves there has been no global warming for 17 years. Remember be specific, and name your sources, thank you


                    The sources are the actual climate temperature data – HadCRUT4 and UAH, buttstain.

                    Now we await that giant sixth grade brain of yours to kick in where you will claim that the models don’t agree or that the totalitarians say we still need to surrender our liberties to the great and omnipotent world leaders who will keep us safe by impoverishing us. Who will make us beg at their feet for bits of food and a new pair of socks.

                    The intellectual laziness of some of you liberal gays is astounding to me. It’s really simple in the end. The climate warmed from a very cold period in the 60s to 1979. Then it warmed from 79-98. Now it isn’t warming. That 19 year warming bout was no grater than others seen (20-30s and late the late 1800s) but this one was accompanied by the propaganda of the totalitarians.

                    And btw, warmer is better than colder if you are a human, but you may not be..

                    1. You obviously need to retake the 6th grade because your comprehension skills are quite poor. So let’s try in a simple format you may be able to follow, but probably not.

                      Q: Where do I get my information?

                      A: HadCRUT4 and UAH. (Those are the two data sets of global temperatures. One is land stations the other satellite)

                      Q: you claim the globe hasn’t been warming for 19 years..?

                      A: 17 yrs, 8 months – directly from the two data sets and i suspect soon to be 17yrs, 9 months and counting.

                      So please make fun of the the two observed temperature data sets. You should really make fun of the scare-mongering climate models but that doesn’t fit with your totalitarianism. You are the worst kind of fool. You are one who champions for the power of the state and you will be the one of the many throughout history who have said later, “i never thought they would do that…….” Ask your Italian relatives who might be old enough to know. My Grandfather knew these animals for what they were and I see them here today.

                      You’re an enabler and too stupid to get it.

                    2. Sweetheart do you have a nice graph to conclusively prove AGW has not happened in 17 years. That mumbo gumbo stuff you posted is crap. Do you have a chart that shows the average global temperature for the last 17 years???

                    3. Why don’t you simply go back to my previous post and open the link to the article and view the graph that was published right here on this sight? Oh, I forgot that you’re a simple minded butt stain and you read at a 3rd grade level..

          2. ” it’s in my nature.” I agree and you are proof that it’s not a theory, Liberals ARE intolerant and sarcastic. What would ya’ll do without your vile tongues?

    1. They adjust the reported numbers because some tornadoes are reported more than once. All the reported tornadoes are discounted by .85% thus the inflation adjustment. What isn’t arguable is that the US has seen fewer tornadoes and hurricanes the last half decade. Exactly the opposite of the scare mongering global warmists (Totalitarians). The science was settled but apparently they forgot to add the science is wrong to their proclamations. That part didn’t and doesn’t matter to them.

    1. I want my fair share of Global Warming! It was a COLD winter. I have written to Obama and Gore asking why they haven’t kept their promises to me but have not yet received response from either. Perhaps once the snow melts…

  62. Who doesn’t want to hear the Al Gore sermon that explains this last winter (if it ever ends) in NA and the paucity of hurricanes and tornadoes in recent years. The mere fact that Al Gore and friends know absolutely no more than my dear dead cat about climatology, is of course no issue to most of the MSM. Without Fox News, there would be little to watch that isn’t an overt propaganda outlet for our “progressive elites” who simply know more and are more benevolent than any critters who have ever inhabited planet earth – we are SO…. very lucky to have these creeps to guide us from our unenlightened ways.

  63. What a stupid heading to an article! It appears the media is disappointed there are not more tornadoes, more destruction, perhaps even deaths… we are living in a very sad time.

  64. What? Even with the global warming lies?? How can this be??? What happened to all the melting polar icecaps and that AL BORE kept screaming how the boiling hot earth was going to explode–by the way–the center of the Earth is hot enough to melt ROCKS so how can Co2 have anything to do with it?? THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING. You’ve been duped by thieves who sold this BS about AGW to get your money–and it worked!

  65. All the President has to do to get a handle of this climate change problem is sign an executive ordering mandating all libtards that own a fossil-fueled vehicle trade it in for a hybird/electric car by 2016. Also, the same libtards will be mandated to have a solar power system powering their homes by 2020.

    Hell, if he can mandate we all have health insurance, why not this? Yep, elections do have consequences.

    LMAO at the tards.

  66. Hellllp! No tornadoes! Eeeeek! Where’s Owl Bore when we need him to tell us the sky is falling!? We went from Global Warming to Climate Change (which in the past some people called Weather).

  67. curse that global warming…wait, they said it causes MORE tornados and hurricanes…but then they also said that the freezing weather (COLD) was global warming too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Nothing but a HOAX

  68. Thank you Climate Changers. You have succeeded in creating two consecutive years with fewer tornadoes. Way to go. Now you can relax and leave the rest of us alone.

  69. The Nenana Ice Classic date was May 20 last year, a new record just surpassing 1964. The event started in 1917. (Sorry, betting was closed April 5th)

  70. I do believe that man made emissions should be monitored for clean air purposes. How many global warming nuts are willing to embrace nuclear energy? Did not think so. Extremists….left or right are bad. The reality is somewhere int the middle. Guys like Al Gore are dangerous. Their lack of reason to accept an alternate point of view and allow an intelligent debate is scarry….Richard Scarry that is…HAHAHAHAH!!! Liberals are not intellectually honest,and liberalism is a mental disorder.

  71. Lessee….

    “By 2013 Snow will be a memory” -Al Gore

    “Hurricanes and Tornadoes will increase in frequency and force over the next few years” – Al Gore

    “Polar Bears are becoming extinct” – Al Gore

    Have the global warming fanatics made a SINGLE correct prediction? No, they haven’t. So instead they demonize anyone who doesn’t buy their nonsensical garbage in hopes the lemmings will continue to follow the scheme for fear of being ostracized as some sort of denier of science wacko.

    I especially like “the science is settled, the debate is over”. Anyone making such an absurd claim doesn’t know what science IS. Science is NEVER settled, it’s constantly evolving as new information is gathered. The debate is FAR from over, unless the global warming alarmists are conceding they lost it. They certainly haven’t won it or proven it. Quite the contrary, they routinely look foolish with absurd claims. Just had the coldest winter in a CENTURY…I’m surprised they haven’t reversed course and gone back to the 70’s claims of ‘man made global cooling’ causing a new ice age.

    1. “The science is settled, the debate is over!” The loons need to explain why Einstein’s theories are still being tested today, after he proposed them over 100 years ago? There is this little inconvenient scientific thingy called the “Scientific Method” that seems to have been forgotten, or ignored.

  72. The Glowbull Changling retards must be heartbroken. I can assume Algore’s fleecing of clueless idiots is off by at least 20%. He’ll need to ramp up the gloom and doom, show pictures of polar bears spontaneously combusting like chevy trucks on a CBS shlockumentary. Remember libtards, if you can’t laugh at yourself, at least let others. I know I did, hard.

  73. I was going to add something but in reading these comments
    most everyone gets it by responding in good satire or scientific/mathematical
    reasoning. Kudos!

  74. I’m confused.
    The “climate changers” claim:
    The high amount of tornadoes is because of climate change.
    The low amount of tornadoes is because of climate change.
    The big hurricanes are because of climate change.
    The low number of hurricanes are because of climate change.
    Hot summers are because of climate change.
    Cold winters are because of climate change.
    Droughts are because of climate change.
    Floods are because of climate change.
    If climate change is responsible for everything, isn’t it really responsible for nothing?

    1. warming makes it warming.
      warming makes it cooler.
      warming makes less snow.
      warming makes more snow.

      Anyone with a hint of intellectual honesty is more than willing to look at this debate and conclude ‘it doesn’t make sense’.

      Don’t freakin’ get it!

  75. Why question a gift of God-no tornadoes. Come on stop looking for a reason to shove everyone into believing in something that DOESN’T exist. Global warming is NOT man made but rather a normal change in the Earth that has happened many times when we were not even here. The truth is those in power are trying to make lots of money by scaring and lying to everyone.

  76. This is indeed terrible news. The balance of nature will certainly be affected. There will be trailer parks popping up all over the midwest and nothing to control their rapid growth.

    1. Very funny

      I am from Oklahoma. You can tell you are in Oklahoma, when there is a Tornado alert.
      Everyone goes outside to watch the Tornadoes

  77. Clearly a vast right-wing conspiracy. Add in the coldest winter on record in many parts of CONUS, and one of the longest in duration. Add in no major hurricanes off the east coast in YEARS when 17-23 are normally predicted by the ‘experts.
    Yeah, this can’t be right….

  78. Pretty soon the lack of tornadoes and hurricanes will be blamed on global warming and climate change.

    Climate Change / Global warming is just a redistribution of wealth to scientists, researchers, and college professors who otherwise couldn’t survive in the real-world. They have made up their own industry to enrich themselves. There is no checks or balances, no accountability, just scientists making prognostications that turns into billions of additional research dollars…. and those prognostications are never questioned, never vetted…

  79. Note to Warmist Hysterics: Do not let facts interfere with your political agenda. Ignore the recent endless winter, last summer’s low hurricane activity, the current low tornado count, and the fact that there has been no statistically significant warming trend for 16 years. Do not allow science or empirical evidence obscure your ultimate goal of destroying Western Civilization, empowering tyrants, and condemning millions of citizens of the Third World to brutal poverty and starvation. After all, you are serving the Greater Good as decreed by George Soros and Barry Obama.

    1. This clown is the weatherman on WCNC Charlotte news. If it’s 84 degrees in July he actually says “People keep asking me when it’s going to warm up around here.”. Idiot. Hey, Panovich, you want to be taken half way seriously? Tell your cheap station to stop broadcasting upconverted 480p and claiming it’s HD.

  80. From the AP: “A $500,000 study paid for by the federal government and released Sunday in the peer-reviewed journal Nature Climate Change concludes that biofuels made with corn residue release 7 percent more greenhouse gases in the early years compared with conventional gasoline.” All you need to know… the government backed-manmade global warming agenda is not only absolutely wrong, it will likely kill us all….

    1. Yes, and the biofuels push is a political ploy supported by both the GOP and the braying jackasses because the agri-business lobby is so powerful. Corporate farms are making billions raising corn that will not be used to feed people but will go into fuel additives that will pollute worse than fossil fuels. These same agri-business interests are pushing immigration reform to preserve their position to exploit illegal aliens and continue to have a cheap labor supply. The idiots in the GOP who must abase themselves to this lobby’s power are about to grant the herd of braying jackasses the means to ensure that equines control the federal government.

      Follow the money!

  81. The reality is, that so called scientists who rely on gov. grants and not actual results, will make up anything that gets them the next grant. It’s simply human nature to scam the system, especially if you’re nothing more than a hack scientist.

        1. Could it be; because, this is not man made Global Warming. The Sun is now at minimums for a while. We might be in a mini-cooling period.

          To believe in Man Made Global Warming. You have to completely disregard the Sun’s part of the equation.

          In other words, this is a SCAM, designed to take our money and spend it on non productive items in our society.

          Follow the money, we just got scammed.

          No matter what happens, we need to spend billions of dollars on research. Bottom line, spending all of this money, will not help a thing.

  82. It’s all climate change! Too many too little makes no difference as long as we are not in the sweet spot – CLIMATE CHANGE did it.

    I wish the obama administration was as transparent.

  83. Conservatives are the bottom feeders of political tripe.
    They will swallow anything if you put something shiny on it like Benghazi, climate change, Obamacare, just to name a few.

    1. poor Regor… so lonely he has to come here. it’s ok, we understand that having a dialogue with leftists is a bit hard to do. so, we welcome you!

    2. You are not concerned that Obama, Hillary, Rice, and Holder lied?

      Americans died.

      You have to be kidding. You really are stupid, aren’t you?

  84. so we about done with this nonsense yet?
    CC/GW/Whatever they call it now is the perfect ploy to pull at those bleeding heart strings “I’ll save the Earth!” Na, sorry, but taxation and redistribution doesn’t save anything.

  85. This must be Bush’s fault… no, wait a minute… this is good…. so O’Bama gets the credit for curtailing global warming…. or was there a law passed in Congress that I didn’t know about… It is now against the law to blow hot air in circles… no… that can’t be it unless Congress exempted itself…

  86. Oh God Help Us… The Climate is changing, and we’re off to a slow start on Tornado Season. How will we ever survive if Toto isn’t whisked away into a corn field once every three days?

    Dear gods of weather and stuff, we pray that you return the magnificent tornadoes to Americas heartland before midnight, so that we may rejoice in their swirling embrace. In alarmists name, amen.

  87. Another “Chicken Little” prediction by the Warmers cult that has failed to come true…. wake up America… this hoax is all about control over cheap, abundant carbon based energy and therefore the global economy….

  88. ‘Slowest start to U. S. tornado season on record through 4/17 based on inflation adjusted tornado trend’

    Inflation adjusted tornado trend??

    I guess that’s like the “oceanographers” adding 1 mm to ocean rise every year…

  89. The climate is still angry, but Mother Earth is just not talking to us now. We’re getting the cold shoulder treatment. We should plant her some flowers, buy a nice card, and just hope she doesn’t find the heat we’ve been hiding on the side.

  90. Can you say …weather manipulation. Also since the Gulf Oil Disaster of 2010, there have been very few hurricanes as well. Since they didn’t want too many folks being rained on with ‘black rain’. Got to keep BP Oil’s behind clear from further repercussions.

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