Statement on President-Elect Trump’s Selection of OK Attorney General Scott Pruitt As EPA Administrator
WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Energy & Environment Legal Institute (E&E Legal) President Craig E. Richardson issued the following statement regarding Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt reported selection as President-Elect Trump’s U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator:
“We are delighted with President-elect Trump’s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. Mr. Pruitt has led the charge in recent years to confront head on the enormous federal regulatory overreach proposed by the EPA as epitomized by the Clean Power Plan and Waters of the U.S. rule. As a litigator, he also understands how environmental fringe groups like the Sierra Club and the NRDC – who are bankrolled by renewable energy tycoons like Tom Steyer and George Soros – use the state and federal court systems to essentially create new laws through such schemes as ‘sue & settle.’
It is also reassuring that President-Elect Trump has chosen someone from the state ranks, particularly a state so important to energy production, since it’s the states and their citizens who are suffering the most by this Administration’s out-of-control EPA.
We encourage Mr. Pruitt to gear up for battle since draining the EPA swamp will be met with the utmost resistance from an entrenched and well-funded green industrial complex. Finally, we strongly encourage him to add a deputy administrator to his team who has significant EPA experience, who shares the President’s vision, and can protect that vision from a hostile agency staff.”
11 Responses
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Bring it (EPA) back to what it should be – a guard dog to protect our environment from the ravages of unchecked pollution. Decrease personnel 75%, and budget by 50%, Do 1 thing and do it really well. Leave CO2 alone.
Hilarious derp.
All hail – it’s Drano back from the anti-trump crusades. Run out of Soros money? Or, was it stuffing the boxes in Detroit? You seem to be none-the-wiser for the effort.
You can’t hide your ignorant comment with more weak derp.
You can’t hide your data denial behind Obama anymore. But seriously, did you get tired of pooping on cars when the money ran out?
This is a lie: your data denial
Why is it a lie? You can’t support that claim, therefore lie.
Slight chance you may be gullibly parroting a lie you were duped by.
Sorry. Don’t know what I was thinking. Drano would never tire of pooping on cars. Soros money dried up.
Still not supporting your claim.
Climate skeptic group
There are no climate change skeptics. Only denialists.