Watch Exclusive Video of Climate Hustle Premiere in Paris:
Packed house at Cinéma du Panthéon in Paris – Dec. 7 Red-Carpet Premiere of Climate Hustle
More Climate Hustle coverage:
James Delingpole review: Climate Hustle ‘staged its triumphant world premiere in Paris last night.’
‘Climate Hustle is dynamite – at least it will be to most viewers, especially younger ones – because what it says is so totally at odds with almost every documentary, TV programme and film that has ever been made on the subject of global warming.’
‘Every person who has ever been exposed to the lies of An Inconvenient Truth should watch Climate Hustle immediately afterwards an antidote.’
Climate Hustle is a ‘jaunty, likeable, fact-rich journey through the history of the ‘global warming’
‘Morano – even if he does look and dress a bit like a junior Mafiosi – makes a funny, engaging, no-nonsense presenter.’
‘One of the most powerful sections of the documentary is the one where various scientists and academics who have dared speak the truth about global warming describe how they have suddenly found themselves ostracised by their peers.’
“Howl! Howl!” bayed two men dressed as giant spoons.
‘Then the police turned up and in characteristic no-nonsense French style forced the protestors to disperse before the stars – including 92-year old rocket scientist Fred Singer and Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore – in black tie arrived in their stretch limos and walked up the red carpet. It was the perfect launch for Marc Morano’s climate skeptical movie Climate Hustle – the skeptics’ long-awaited answer to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth – which staged its triumphant world premiere in Paris last night.’
Climate Hustle review: ‘Humorous’ – ‘A must see’ – ‘Hits the science straight on’ – ‘FILM EXPOSES ABSURDITY OF ‘CLIMATE’ MOVEMENT’ – Review of Climate Hustle: ‘Your initial reaction is to laugh. And then you feel, well, hustled.’ – ‘Film hits the science straight on by using the dramatic testimony of former ‘climate change’ scientists who left the movement once they realized the data no longer fit the narrative.’ – ‘Morano’s humorous and non-confrontational style allows the facts and testimony of the experts to completely obliterate the narrative the Left’s been spewing for years about the calamities facing the world.’ – ‘A must see for all those who want to know the real truth behind this dramatic issue.’
National Review Gives Two Thumbs Up: ‘Climate Hustle, a brutal and extremely funny takedown of the science behind global warming’ – ‘Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) premiered its movie Climate Hustle, a brutal and extremely funny takedown of the science behind the UN conference.’
Pandemonium in Paris at ‘Climate Hustle’s’ sold-out gala premiere in Paris
18 Responses
Congratulations on the release. I admire your bravery and resolve in the face of those that are “coo-coo for climate change.”
You already have a hit out on you.
You already have a hit out on you
$98/hr?!?…….chump change Tricia.
My neighbor’s mother made $1000/hr working for Solyndra.
Marc Morano for the Nobel Peace prize. These AGW zealots have no sense of humour… and thus no sense of their own fallibility.
Looking forward to watch it!!
Very good !!!
One day the CFact group will look back and realize how surreal their experience in Paris truly was. Most especially in the light of BHO, Jon Kerry and Bernie Sanders telling us all how “climate change” was a bigger threat to the world than Islamic Terrorists.
Hopefully the rest of the world will learn something from “Climate Hussle” and the world will look back at how science was so corrupted by the alarmists in their never ending quest for money – the politician a never ending quest for power. This will be the reflective surreal moment for the public at large and historians in particular.
Wonderful to see there is finally a documentary that the schools can use as a counter to Al Gore’s film…if they choose to be balanced. I’m also glad to see they are using the tactics of the political left, the political right already knows the science is junk, so dumbing it down and using satire resonates with the sanctimonious unscientific liberal arts educated left. Here is another documentary the tackled this issue and has proven to be very prophetic and used humor as well.
Dec 12, 2015 What We Saw At The Large And Illegal COP21 Protest
Paris France during the illegal COP21 protest. Many expected an intense day with a State of Emergency still implemented and protestors facing 6 months to 1 year in jail for demonstrating. Luckily the day unfolded a lot differently than what people predicted.
Finally! I nominate Marc Morano and everyone involved with the film as Person of the Year. One day, if mankind is lucky enough to get past the hoax, if journalists ever do their job and FOLLOW THE MONEY, the extent of this hoax and hustle will be known. Like the collapse of the multi-million dollar market for Holland tulip bulbs and Beanie babies, the real false narrative will eventually be apparent to all. But not before Al Gore becomes even more rich and American taxpayers have been fleeced once again by the greedy, scheming Left.
ushering new world order and slavery based on pseudoscience.
The enemedia is thoroughly corrupted. They are ultra-left liberals and their perception is anyone who dares NOT to agree with them is a hard liner…to which i say BULLSH!T….the media pushes with their own liberal DNC agenda and has discarded their actual mission….
hello all climate change is not man-made
Boy you Climate deniers are so Stooooopid. Does it hurt your little brains to think at all. As The Duke was believed to say, “Life is Hard…but its harder if you are stooopid!” My my my how all those thermometers lie huh? Say why is it that so many coastal cities like Miami, Norfolk, Cape Canaveral are having the seas rise around them?
Are you speaking of the thermometers used by organizations like NOAA, CRU, NASA, IPCC, MIT, WMO, etc? Because those show there’s been no warming in nearly two decades, right before “global warming” ironically became “climate change.” And those rising seas you mention, those same organizations I lsted above admit and publish that; 1) the at multiple times in earth’s history seas have been much higher as well as much lower 2)the current average rate of sea level rise is 3-4.5mm per decade. So if anyone in the world can actually look at the shore and determine that the water is higher than even 100 years ago they’re no doubt super-human. I would suggest you at least attempt to read and comprehend some published scientific data rather than simply repeat the lies you’ve decided to believe.
The movie was great! The theater was full and people clapped @ the end.
I want them to release the climate hustle song.