Nature Geoscience: ‘Climate change before the court’ – ‘Litigation could have an important role to play’

Nature Geoscience (2015) doi:10.1038/ngeo2612
Published online 07 December 2015

In the absence of an enforceable set of commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, concerned citizens may want to supplement international agreements on climate change. We suggest that litigation could have an important role to play.


Climate change before the court

Nature Geoscience
Published online

In the absence of an enforceable set of commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, concerned citizens may want to supplement international agreements on climate change. We suggest that litigation could have an important role to play.


  1. Urgenda v The Netherlands C/09/456689/HA ZA 13–1396 (The Hague District Court, 2015);
  2. Goldenberg, S. Just 90 companies caused two-thirds of man-made global warming emissions. The Guardian (20 November 2013);
  3. XYZ and others v Schering Health Care and others EWHC 1420 (QB) (England & Wales High Court, 2002);
  4. Fairchild v Glenhaven Funeral Services Ltd and others UKHL 22 (UK House of Lords, 2002);
  5. Sienkiewicz v Greif (UK) Ltd UKSC 10 (UK Supreme Court, 2011);
  6. Ministry of Defence v AB and others UKSC 9 (UK Supreme Court, 2012);
  7. Christidis, N., Jones, G.S. & Stott, P.A. Nature Clim. Change 5, 4650 (2015).
  8. Hansen, J., Sato, M. & Ruedy, R. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 109, E2415E2423 (2012).
  9. Hadjiyianni, I. & Minas, S. ‘Adjudicating the Future’ symposium puts focus on courts in climate response. King’s College London(2015)
  10. Carey, J. Calculating the true cost of global climate change Environment 360 (6 January 2011);

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  1. Client Earth, Fieldworks, 274 Richmond Road, Martello Street Entrance, London E8 3QW, UK

    • James Thornton &
    • Howard Covington

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