“Climate Hustle” assembles an impressive group of experts in climate science and policy, many of whom worked on the UN’s climate assessments, but left after the UN ignored overwhelming evidence that contradicts its position.
Nationally syndicated columnist Cal Thomas calls Climate Hustle “tremendous” and says “anyone who still believes in ‘climate change’ after watching this film needs the type of reprogramming given to cult members.”
Noted climatologist Dr. Judith Curry of the Georgia Institute of Technology, who is featured in the film, adds “Climate Hustle is a refreshing and entertaining antidote to the sillier and alarming claims about climate change and its impacts that people regularly hear from politicians and the media.”
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Reuters: On Monday night, Morano showed his new film, “Climate Hustle” in a Paris cinema, featuring climate-sceptic scientists. Police cordoned off the road leading to the venue as guests lined up and a demonstrator hung a banner on a nearby gate reading “Welcome Heartland Institute Scum”.
(Photos: Police arrive at red carpet premiere)
Paparazzi at Climate Hustle premiere in Paris
By: Marc Morano – Climate DepotDecember 8, 2015 2:35 PM with 15 comments
Watch Exclusive Video of Climate Hustle Premiere in Paris:
Packed house at Cinéma du Panthéon in Paris – Dec. 7 Red-Carpet Premiere of Climate Hustle
More Climate Hustle coverage:
James Delingpole review: Climate Hustle ‘staged its triumphant world premiere in Paris last night.’
‘Climate Hustle is dynamite – at least it will be to most viewers, especially younger ones – because what it says is so totally at odds with almost every documentary, TV programme and film that has ever been made on the subject of global warming.’
‘Every person who has ever been exposed to the lies of An Inconvenient Truth should watch Climate Hustle immediately afterwards an antidote.’
Climate Hustle is a ‘jaunty, likeable, fact-rich journey through the history of the ‘global warming’
‘Morano – even if he does look and dress a bit like a junior Mafiosi – makes a funny, engaging, no-nonsense presenter.’
‘One of the most powerful sections of the documentary is the one where various scientists and academics who have dared speak the truth about global warming describe how they have suddenly found themselves ostracised by their peers.’
“Howl! Howl!” bayed two men dressed as giant spoons.
‘Then the police turned up and in characteristic no-nonsense French style forced the protestors to disperse before the stars – including 92-year old rocket scientist Fred Singer and Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore – in black tie arrived in their stretch limos and walked up the red carpet. It was the perfect launch for Marc Morano’s climate skeptical movie Climate Hustle – the skeptics’ long-awaited answer to Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth – which staged its triumphant world premiere in Paris last night.’
Climate Hustle review: ‘Humorous’ – ‘A must see’ – ‘Hits the science straight on’ – ‘FILM EXPOSES ABSURDITY OF ‘CLIMATE’ MOVEMENT’ – Review of Climate Hustle: ‘Your initial reaction is to laugh. And then you feel, well, hustled.’ – ‘Film hits the science straight on by using the dramatic testimony of former ‘climate change’ scientists who left the movement once they realized the data no longer fit the narrative.’ – ‘Morano’s humorous and non-confrontational style allows the facts and testimony of the experts to completely obliterate the narrative the Left’s been spewing for years about the calamities facing the world.’ – ‘A must see for all those who want to know the real truth behind this dramatic issue.’
National Review Gives Two Thumbs Up: ‘Climate Hustle, a brutal and extremely funny takedown of the science behind global warming’ – ‘Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) premiered its movie Climate Hustle, a brutal and extremely funny takedown of the science behind the UN conference.’
Marc Morano: ‘Siberian corpses may allegedly ooze contagious viruses as they melt. But that’s not all. We may need UN treaties and carbon taxes to save the mummies because they are turning to black ooze due to ‘global warming.’ ‘So not only are we affecting future generations, but we are affecting past generations unless we deal with this.’
For more on Climate Hustle go here: www.ClimateHustle.com
Nobel Prize Winning Physicist Dr. Ivar Giaever: ‘Global warming is a non-problem’
‘I say this to Obama: Excuse me, Mr. President, but you’re wrong. Dead wrong.’
‘Global warming really has become a new religion.’
“I am worried very much about the [UN] conference in Paris in November…I think that the people who are alarmist are in a very strong position.’
‘We have to stop wasting huge, I mean huge amounts of money on global warming.’
Watch Marc Morano here: Morano on Ezra Levant’s The Source on Sun News Canada promotes Climate Hustle: ‘In the words of Muhammad Ali during the heyday of his boxing career, ‘We are going to have the greatest climate documentary of a-l-l-l-l ti-i-i-i-ime! ‘We are putting together the most comprehensive, unique, entertaining and humorous climate documentary that has ever been attempted!’ ‘We are going to take on the global warming establishment with satire, humor and science…We are going to feature climate astrology, climate contradictory predictions, climate tipping points. We have a spoof, a send off of the Al Gore CO2 climate elevator scene from Inconvenient Truth — we spoof the exact scene. More info at www.ClimateHustle.org
The Hill: Climate skeptics producing their own ‘Inconvenient Truth’ documentary – The response project is spearheaded by political strategist Marc Morano, dubbed the “king of skeptics” by Newsweek and “climate misinformer of the year” by Media Matters.’
Pandemonium in Paris at ‘Climate Hustle’s’ sold-out gala premiere in Paris
8 Responses
The most tedious roll out in movie history.
Excellent trailer. I can’t wait for this movie, I will see it as soon as it hits theatres.
Feb 12, 2016 Government Science Monopoly
Richard Lindzen, atmospheric physicist, MIT professor emeritus, and lead author of the “Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks” chapter of the 2001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, attributes climate hype to politics, money, and propaganda. Lindzen particularly takes issue with the “97% consensus” claim that is being used to stifle debate and demonize skeptics.
Only one night????
It seems like a very convincing movie. However, limited release in theaters won’t have much impact beyond those that are already skeptics.
Climate Hustle has to be shown, and more than once, on a national TV network. Leftist ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS won’t touch it. But would even FOX dare broadcast it?
Maybe. But if Netflix’s upper management are AGW believers (like Google’s), they will not put Climate Hustle in their offerings. Has Netflix offered The great Global Warming Swindle?