IPCC AR5 Press Release: Oceans Ate “More Than 90% Of The Energy Accumulated Between 1971 And 2010″!
The IPCC has issued a press release on the release of the AR summary report for policymakers. You can find it here.
We are witnessing a disgraced science, one that is desperately clinging to catastrophe and relevance. The Summary Report for Policymakers (SPM) resembles an amateur magician’s show where everybody already knows all the tricks used to create the illusions. But the policymakers will act like they’ve seen the show for the first time.
The press release says “it is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century“. The report fails to acknowledge that global temperatures have been at a standstill for the last 15 years, claiming rather that “each of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth’s surface than any preceding decade since 1850” – a statistical sleight of hand.
In the Summary Report for Policymakers (SPM), the hockey stick chart disappears completely. There’s no mention of temperature conditions during the Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period. Almost all the charts shown in the SPM go back only to the 20th century, and thus provide an incomplete and misleading picture of historical temperature developments. The Medieval Period was as warm, if not warmer, than today’s temperature. Obviously the concept of the temperature hockey stick is an embarrassment that the IPCC is eager to relegate to the dustbin of history.
The SPM also completely neglects solar activity and its possible connection to the current global cooling taking place. In Figure SPM.5, the chart attributes practically no climate impact from the sun, although the historical data shows there’s a powerful correlation between solar activity and global temperature.
The IPCC also fails to report that global temperatures have not risen at all since the Third Assessment Report of 2001. Moreover, the chart comparing model projections to observations, which appeared in a draft report leaked late last year, disappeared in the new Summary Report for Policymakers.
CO2 climate sensitivity figures have also been scaled back. The IPCC now projects a warming of only 1.5°C or more over the 21st century. In the 2007 report that figure was 2°C and up.
The press release, however, insists that sea level rise will accelerate, later in the future. But until then we will just have to remain patient. Strangely the sea level projection chart on page 35 deletes the past, and begins only at 2008.
This is going to be an easy report to dismantle.
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