FLASHBACK: Fidel Castro Once Hailed Obama For Blaming Climate Change On US

Recently deceased Cuban dictator Fidel Castro once hailed President Barack Obama for suggesting developed nations were partly responsible for man-made global warming.

Castro, who died on Friday after years of declining health, called Obama brave in 2009 for speaking out against global warming during a speech in front of the United Nations (U.N.) at the time.

“No other (U.S. president) would have had the courage to say what he said,” said Castro, age 90, who ruled Cuba with an iron fist for nearly five decades before ceding control to his 78-year-old brother, Raul Castro.

Castro was referring to Obama’s speech at a U.N. summit seven years ago in which the president warned that failure to move quickly on global warming could create a worldwide catastrophe.

Castro added: “The problem now is that everything he (Obama) affirms is in contradiction with what the United States has done for 150 years.”

“The societies of consumption and squandering of material resources are incompatible with the idea of economic growth and a clean planet,” the now-deceased dictator wrote in a column published in Cuba’s state-run media in 2009.

“The President of the United States admitted the developed nations have caused most of the damage and must assume responsibility,” Castro added.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/26/flashback-fidel-castro-once-hailed-obama-for-blaming-climate-change-on-us/#ixzz4RBBjyMD2
