Doctor groups take up ‘global warming’ advocacy – ‘Will tell the public their health is threatened by’ man-made climate

Bradley J. Fikes Contact Reporter – San Diego Union-Tribune

Under a political advocacy campaign launched Wednesday, a coalition of physician groups will tell the public that their health is threatened by catastrophic man-made global warming, also called climate change. Participating doctors will also urge government action to reduce the damage believed to be caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases.

The campaign is one of a series of actions by political opponents of President Donald Trump, who is skeptical that man-made global warming is dangerous.

Skeptics say climate models have failed to predict the current hiatus in global warming. Global warming believers say that when properly adjusted for accuracy, temperature trends show no hiatus.

The Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health is led by Dr. Mona Sarfaty, Director of the Program on Climate and Health in the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University.

The consortium said in a press release that it represents more than half of American physicians. Its members include the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, Immunology; American Academy of Family Physicians); American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP); American College of Physicians (ACP); ecoAmerica, and Physicians for Social Responsibility.

On Wednesday, the consortium issued a report titled, “Medical Alert! Climate Change Is Harming Our Health.”

The consortium pointed to a recent study by Abt Associates, a group that works on environmental sustainability and global warming issues. The study said reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the Northeastern states has prevented from 300 to 830 early adult deaths.

“Here’s the message from America’s doctors on climate change: it’s not only happening in the Arctic Circle, it’s happening here,” Sarfaty said in the press release. “It’s not only a problem for us in 2100, it’s a problem now. And it’s not only hurting polar bears, it’s hurting us.”

Sarfaty has made numerous contributions to Democratic candidates, including former president Barack Obama, 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, according to the Federal Election Commission’s website.

However, some consortium supporters are Republicans, including Bob Inglis, executive director of RepublicEN, which describes itself as a group of conservatives and libertarians concerned about global warming. Inglis was a congressman from South Carolina from 1992 until he was defeated in a 2010 primary by Trey Gowdy, who was backed by Tea Party members.

Inglis opposed Trump’s election, stating in May that “under no circumstances,” would he vote for Trump.

The consortium is run by The George Mason University Program on Climate & Health.
