Pielke Jr. To Holdren: ‘Your characterization of my views as lying “outside the scientific mainstream” is odd because the views that I expressed in my testimony are entirely consonant with those of the IPCC (2012, 2013) and those of the US government’s USGCRP. Indeed, much of my testimony involved reviewing the recent findings of IPCC SREX and AR5 WG1. My scientific views are also supported by dozens of peer reviewed papers which I have authored and which have been cited thousands of times, including by all three working groups of the IPCC. My views are thus nothing if not at the center of the “scientific mainstream.”
Full Report Here: http://rogerpielkejr.blogspot.com/2014/03/john-holdrens-epic-fail.html
Pielke Jr. is a professor of environmental studies at the Center for Science and Technology Policy Research at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I also have appointments as a Research Fellow, Risk Frontiers, Macquarie University; Visiting Senior Fellow,Mackinder Programme, London School of Economics; and Senior Visiting Fellow at theConsortium for Science, Policy and Outcomes of Arizona State University.
3 Responses
Truly Orwellian but very much in the style of the Obama administration. Part of the on-going US constitutional crisis in my humble opinion.
We have always suspected that under the Obama administration, the lunatics have been in charge of the asylum. So, we should not be surprised by John Holdren.
When dealing with science, it is for individuals to put forward their evidence and make their arguments… to play the ball, not the man. What Holdren has done demonstrated his scientific bankruptcy in the field of climate science. That’s why he tries to discredit his opponent. What does this say about the quality of science advice received by Obama?
Yep – Status quo at the NUT HUT…