CNN criticized on Earth Day for daring to air a climate skeptic

There was a certain melancholy about Earth Day 2017. The decades of failed predictions of doom, those damn frackers giving us cheap gas back, and now the Trump administration cutting regulations. No wonder some of the front men are getting a little testy.

Like Bill Nye, the guy who doesn’t have a science degree. Matthe Balan ofMediaite caught him revealing his inner authoritarian:

TV personality Bill Nye criticized CNN on New Day Saturday for letting a skeptic of man-made climate change participate in a panel discussion.

“I will say, much as I love CNN, you’re doing a disservice by having one climate change skeptic, and not 97 or 98 scientists or engineers concerned about climate change,” Nye contended.

Nye appeared with May Boeve of the green action group and Princeton University physics professor William Happer, who has downplayed the impact of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. So despite the two-to-one slant in favor of the environmentalists, the former PBS host wasn’t satisfied.

The message of the American Left has devolved into “shut up!”
