Via: The Impending Collapse Of The Global Warming Scare – By Francis Menton
And finally, there is the question of funding. Under Obama, attaching the words “global warming” or “climate change” to any proposal has been the sure-fire way to get the proposal whatever federal funding it might want. The Department of Energy has been the big factor here. Of its annual budget of about $28 billion, roughly half goes to running the facilities that provide nuclear material for the Defense Department, and the other half, broadly speaking, goes to the global warming cause: crony capitalist handouts for wind and solar energy providers, and billions per year for research at some seventeen (seventeen!) different energy research laboratories.
During the eight Obama years, the energy sector of the U.S. economy has been substantially transformed by a technological revolution that has dramatically lowered the cost of energy and hugely benefited the American consumer. I’m referring, of course, to the fracking revolution. How much of the tens of billions of U.S. energy subsidies and research funding in that time went toward this revolution that actually produced cheaper energy that works? Answer: Not one single dollar! All of the money was completely wasted on things that are uneconomic and will disappear as soon as the government cuts off the funding spigot. All of this funding can and should be zeroed out in the next budget. Believe me, nobody will notice other than the parasites who have been wasting the money.
If the multi-tens-of-billions per year funding gusher for global warming alarmism quickly dries up, the large majority of the people living on these handouts will have no choice but to go and find something productive to do. Sure, some extreme zealots will find some way to soldier on. But it is not crazy at all to predict a very substantial collapse of the global warming scare over the course of the next couple of years.
The environmental movement has climbed itself way out onto the global warming limb. Now the Trump administration is about to start sawing off the limb behind them.
7 Responses
Ya, I think you’re gonna see a back peddle on “the science is settled” and a rush on the “more study is required” from boondoggling climate/political scientists.
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The climate research funding levels at DOE, NASA, NOAA and other places is enormous. A huge waste of agenda-driven science to keep looking for more confirmation bias. It could easily be cut 95% and we’d improve science overall.
It’s about $2 billion in climate research funding total. Then another $5 billion or more in various R&D funding to ‘solve’ this with boondoggle projects on fuel cells, sequestration, biomass/renewables, efficiency, carbon storage, etc. as part of “mission innovation”. Then yet MORE money for the UN and for ‘climate’. Then also the whole sham of wind production tax credits, solar subsidies. then ethanol. We could save $20 billion or more a year chucking this whole useless boondoggle.
Fix healthcare with green money currently wasted. Win, win.
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