By Matt McGrath Environment correspondent
But some in this field believe that the change of administration is a good moment to review the type of scientific questions that US researchers are asking.
Marcel Crok is a Dutch science writer who doesn’t support the scientific consensus on climate change. He says that much of the research in the field takes place in an echo chamber and he welcomes the fact that the Trump administration will challenge this.
Mr Crok accepts that human emissions of carbon dioxide are warming the planet, but he questions the accepted view on how far and how rapidly temperatures will rise. Mainstream scientists, he says, rely on models that are over sensitive to carbon. He expects this to change under Trump.
He said: “What the field is trying to do is prove that the observational estimates are wrong and that the models are still right, and in my opinion this is exactly the problem. They should be more open minded, they should be open to the idea that the models are wrong!”
“I hope that under a Trump regime at least there would be more funding, because if the funding agencies ask these kind of questions they can stimulate research in other directions than proving that the models are right all the time.”
8 Responses
There are some good scientists and journalists out there. Finally their voices are finding ears.
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Weird headline. There are no climate change skeptics. Only deniers and denialists.
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Climate change is a false premise for regulating or taxing carbon
dioxide emissions. Nature converts CO2 to calcite (limestone).
Climate change may or may not be occurring, but is is surely NOT
caused by human fossil fuels use. Changes in temperature cause
changes in ambient CO2, with an estimated 800 year time lag.
Others have shown the likely causes of climate change, and they DO
NOT include human use of fossil fuels. There is no empirical
evidence that fossil fuels use affects climate. Likely and
well-documented causes include sunspot cycles, earth/sun orbital
changes, cosmic ray effects on clouds and tectonic plate activity. I
make a further point here.
Here’s why. Fossil fuels emit only 3% of total CO2 emissions. 95%
comes from rotting vegetation. All the ambient CO2 in the atmosphere
is promptly converted in the oceans to calcite (limestone) and other
carbonates, mostly through biological paths. CO2 + CaO => CaCO3
(exothermic). The conversion rate increases with increasing CO2
partial pressure. A dynamic equilibrium-seeking mechanism.
99.84% of all carbon on earth is already sequestered as sediments in
the lithosphere. The lithosphere is a massive hungry carbon sink
that converts ambient CO2 to carbonate almost as soon as it is
emitted. All living or dead organic matter (plants, animals,
microbes etc. amount to only 0.00033% of the total carbon mass on
earth. Ambient CO2 is only 0.00255%.
Full implementation of the Paris Treaty is now estimated to cost $50
trillion to $100 trillion by 2030–$6,667-$13,333 per human being.
Nearly two-thirds of humanity’s cumulative savings over history. And
will not affect climate at all.
A modern coal power plant emits few air effluents except water vapor
and carbon dioxide. Coal remains the lowest cost and most reliable
source of electric energy, along with natural gas. Coal has always
competed effectively with natural gas. Illinois Basin coal now costs
less than 1/3 the equivalent cost of natural gas at their respective
sources. Coal is more competitive with gas today than it was in
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