Alex Epstein: ‘Defend the Right to Free Speech Against Climate Fascism’

Via Alex Epstein’s email:

Last week I wrote you about how the government’s persecution of companies and think-tanks who challenge climate catastrophism extended to me–and that I responded with a righteous three-word response to the Massachusetts Attorney General and a $100,000 challenge to the leader of the campaign, Al Gore, to debate me.

The story has gotten good coverage in PJ Media, Ricochet, The Blaze, The Daily Caller, The Washington Times, Watts Up With That, Zero Hedge, Ari Armstrong’s blog.

I have never received so much positive, encouraging feedback in my life from those of you who supported my approach–but I also got some negative feedback from people, including several in the fossil fuel industry who think it is never acceptable to be disrespectful, let alone profane, to a public official.

Obviously, I disagree–I chose to use profanity in writing for the first time for very deliberate reasons. I gave some of my reasons in an interview for this excellent Ari Armstrong article:

Persecutors get away with violating rights in large part because the victims treat them as civilized. The Massachusetts Attorney General is demanding my emails at gunpoint because I have prominently voiced opinions that are contrary to hers. She is a fascist, acting profanely. “F**k off, fascist” was therefore the response she deserved.

For the general public, who may innocently misunderstand the issues regarding ExxonMobil, I explained them fully in a Forbes article. But I’m not responding to that thug (who calls herself an Attorney General) with an article.

I think most people understood my reasons, which is why my response received thousands of positive comments and made far more of an impact than the understated articles and press releases that others have written.

But even if you still disagree with how I defend our rights, if you value this country you need to be fighting for those rights in whatever way you can. If you are more upset about me using the f-word against the fascist suppression of free speech than you are about the fascist suppression of free speech then something is very wrong.

I have a standard question I now ask to anyone who is angry at me for my approach:

Have you written the AG yourself and criticized her for her suppression of free speech and attempt to destroy the fossil fuel industry? If not, I hope you do. Surely those acts are more profane than mine.

I thank all of you who realize the profanity of what the government is doing and have helped create awareness about climate fascism. I implore everyone on this list to reach out to anyone you know, especially influencers you know, and shared this story with them. Al Gore and his Attorneys General need to be shamed into retreat and retirement from their fundamental assault on this country’s energy industry and its Constitution.




The Latest From CIP
By: Team CIP



Alex on the Adam Carolla Show


Alex appeared on the Adam Carolla Show to discuss the moral case for fossil fuels, plastic bags, and the religion of environmentalism. Listen to the show here.



The Pat & Stu Show on The Blaze


On Monday, Alex explained to Pat and Stu why he responded to the Massachusetts AG the way he did. If you’re a subscriber to The Blaze, watch the episode here. Alex’s segment begins at 39:45.


32 Responses

  1. It’s a sad reality that sometimes our public employees require the punctuation of profanity or other measures to remember who works for who and that the right of free speech is extended to all.

    A lesson the EU may be savoring right about now.

    1. Unfortunately for you my friend, the court’s discovery cuts 2 ways. The recent disclosure of known, tolerated and continued fraudulent data handling at USGS should bring a decidedly human shiver down the spines of our NOAA/NASA leadership regarding temp data as well.
      Well, ya gotta have a spine to shiver, so, prolly not.
      Just like every clean MLB player prays for universal drug testing…. so does every clean scientist pray for the elimination of dirty scientists.
      No, it’s not left vs right politics. This is clean vs dirty science. I’m in favor of rolling the dice and calling a spade a spade…. regardless of political sway. Let the method reign.

      1. Sad sack duped: The recent disclosure of known, tolerated and continued fraudulent data handling at USGS (sic)

        Poor sad sacks have only stories to cling to.



  2. The fossil fuel industry corporate toads had better wake up. Their persecutors are playing for keeps and aim only to kill them.

    The truth is that CO2 from fossil fuels does no materially affect climate. The theory of human-caused climate change is based on a false premise. Human fossil fuels use causes only 3% of all carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere; and does not materially affect climate.

    Nature promptly sequesters ambient CO2 in air as calcite (limestone) and other carbonate minerals. CO2 + CaO => CaCO3. You can make calcite in your kitchen by mixing carbonated water and quicklime.

    So all the cost and hysteria of the global warming movement is a colossal waste. Tens of trillions of dollars wasted on foolish superstition.

  3. yes.COM………It’s a sad reality that sometimes our public employees require the punctuation of profanity or other measures to remember who works for who and that the right of free speech is extended to all.

  4. yes.t.k………It’s a sad reality that sometimes our public employees require the punctuation of profanity or other measures to remember who works for who and that the right of free speech is extended to all.

  5. ❝yestk❞……..a lesson the may be absorbing right about now. e have no union to dismiss but perhaps we can lay waste our dictatorial bureacrats.

  6. ❝yesbottk❞……..a lesson the may be absorbing right about now. e have no union to dismiss but perhaps we can lay waste our dictatorial bureacrats.

  7. ❝yesdottk❞……..a lesson the may be absorbing right about now. e have no union to dismiss but perhaps we can lay waste our dictatorial bureacrats.

  8. a lesson the may be absorbing right about now. e have no union to dismiss but perhaps we can lay waste our dictatorial bureacrats.
    a lesson the may be absorbing right about now. e have no union to dismiss but perhaps we can lay waste our dictatorial bureacrats.

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