Al Gore stumping with Hillary Clinton in Florida. YouTube (Screencap-Hillary Clinton Speeches & Events)
He asked people not to give up hope and he was “optimistic” they would solve the climate crisis. Trump’s election was a huge setback for Big Green and climate doomsters, who view the election’s outcome as sounding the death knell for planet Earth. Anti-fossil fuel groups are already threatening to sue the Trump administration.
“Last night, President-elect Trump said he wanted to be a president for all Americans. In that spirit,” Gore wrote, “I hope that he will work with the overwhelming majority” of people who think climate change is the “greatest threat we face as a nation.” Unfortunately, most people believe the economy is in jeopardy, and not the climate. That’s according to polls done by Gallup, Pew Research, and the United Nations.
Energy stocks riding high
Trump said throughout his campaign that he would “scrap” any environmental regulations that harmed economic growth or slashed jobs. He also said he would work to save the coal industry using carbon-scrubbing technology and carbon capture and storage (CCS). Many believe #Hillary Clinton lost the election because blue-collar rural voters turned out in droves to vote for the energy-friendly Trump. Coal and other stocks rebounded to their highest levels in history yesterday.
Throughout his campaign, Trump said he would abandon or renegotiate the Paris Climate Agreement, a non-binding accord to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and signed by nearly 200 nations. But the single largest complaint Trump heard while campaigning was how the Obama administration has rolled out hundreds of thousands of #Government regulations that hamper economic growth and stifle business.
Gore wrote of the Paris climate accord: “We knew this work would not be easy—indeed, more would be required.” The U.S. trails behind China in greenhouse gas emissions. China is also exempt from the climate accord until 2030 and has already ramped up coal-fired power plant production. But because of fracking, many power plants are turning to cheap and plentiful natural gas, which has helped the U.S. inadvertently reach some of its climate goals.
7 Responses
I cannot comprehend that an otherwise intelligent person, like Mr. Gore, would cling to his preposterous view of Climate Change in the face of overwhelming evidence that first, there is no Global Warming of any significance, and second, there is no component of Global Warming that is caused by human activity. The irony in all this demonizing of CO2 is that the actual dynamic is totally opposite of the the climate alarmists believe. Our oceans are by far the largest storage facility of CO2, and when the sun warms us up the oceans give off massive amounts of CO2 – conversely during cooler periods the oceans absorb CO2. What this comes down to is that higher concentrations of CO2 are caused by global warming, they are not the result of it. Also please note that the CO2 issue and clean air are completely separate items. We should do everything possible to keep our air and environment clean but we should not conflate the two issues and pretend that reducing CO2 can actually do anything to our climate. Many scientists all over the world are saying that it is very likely that we are about to enter a long cooling period, and if that turns out to be true we could use all the CO2 in our atmosphere we can put there to help keep crops growing in a cooler climate.
Gore clings to his preposterous view because it makes him lots of money. The science is irrelevant, it’s about the money.
Gore is one of the great American salesmen.
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He’s Green (THE MONEY) … as Deep-throat said “Follow the money”
Al Gore spews more greenhouse gases than the most flatulent cow. How rancid.
President Elect Trump accepts Vice President Gore’s proposal and will meet him with his negotiating team at a time to be mutually agreed. Trump’s negotiating team includes: Marc Morano, Lord Monckton and Richard Lindzen.
People, pray to God for Donald Trump … the Urban echo chambers are Zombiepocalypse brain eaters being hoodwinked in the MSM alternate reality and Twitterverse. Clearly the BREXIT vote is also showing that it is now the Metro vs Non-Metro; Globalist vs National; ‘Progressive’ vs Traditionalist; Ivory Tower vs Country Castle.
Gore needs to be investigated along with Steven C. Rockefeller in a Congressional Hearing that investigates manipulation and politicization of NASA, NOAA, GISS, and the neo-Marxist University Faculties.
A House Investigation on un-American Activities is well overdue, and if the hard line Conservatives (rather than cucks) in Westminster had any sense, they would fully cooperate.