160×600. Good for a post-page sidebar, below the Obama/UN petition and above the Archives menu.
160×600. Publir says this is good for the TOP of a page or sidebar, so I recommend we put it on the homepage sidebar below “Special Reports” and above “Climate 411.”
300×250. Another ad. This would be a good one to insert on the homepage in between articles in one of the main columns.
300×250. Publir says it’s good for TOP. For some reason this one isn’t displaying for me right now, let me know if it is for you, but I’ll check with Eric. It is the same size as the one above, though, so it should be the same just with a different ad.
728×90. Traditional ‘banner’ ad. We could stick this at the very top of the page, or just above content (below the menus and featured story but above the columns of links), or at the bottom of the page.
728×90. Traditional ‘banner’ ad recommended for TOP. Again, I’m not seeing ads for this one, but it is the same dimensions as the above one, just recommended by Publir for the TOP.