Politco: Hospitals Turning into ‘Climate Change Fighting Machines’ – Limiting water with ‘timers for operating room sinks’ – ‘More Earth-friendly drugs’ – Reducing ‘anesthetic gas’ – ‘Decarbonize U.S. health care’ Watts Up With That?
As USA faces cancer drug shortage… Cancer Society in 2020 fretted over ‘carbon footprint of cancer care’ –
The post Politco: Hospitals Turning into ‘Climate Change Fighting Machines’ – Limiting water with ‘timers for operating room sinks’ – ‘More Earth-friendly drugs’ – Reducing ‘anesthetic gas’ – ‘Decarbonize U.S. health care’ first appeared on Watts Up With That?.…
COP28 To List Delegate Fossil Fuel Affiliations Watts Up With That?
“… There will also be no requirement to say who’s financing the trip to the COP. …”
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New evidence that polar bears survived 1,600 years of ice-free summers in the early Holocene Watts Up With That?
From Polar Bear Science Susan Crockford New evidence indicates that Arctic areas with the thickest ice today probably melted out every year during the summer for about 1,600 years during the…
The post New evidence that polar bears survived 1,600 years of ice-free summers in the early Holocene first appeared on Watts Up With That?.…
China is Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars – Letting them Rot! Watts Up With That?
Hundreds of Thousands of EVs just being left to rot in fields….
The post China is Throwing Away Fields of Electric Cars – Letting them Rot! first appeared on Watts Up With That?.…
California’s Emissions Regulatory Death Spiral Watts Up With That?
…those who live in underserved communities or developing countries will derive little if any benefit from this massive trove of government regulations.
The post California’s Emissions Regulatory Death Spiral first appeared on Watts Up With That?.…
Scientists Decide that Scientists are Getting Better at Communicating Scary Climate Stories Watts Up With That?
The post Scientists Decide that Scientists are Getting Better at Communicating Scary Climate Stories first appeared on Watts Up With That?.…