The “Climate Funding Gap”… Gap? More like an “unscalable cliff”!
The “climate funding gap”… More like an unscalable cliff!…
Scientific American: Social Bullying is the Best Motivator for Green Behaviour
“… social pressure had the strongest effect on behavioral change. Such pressure can take passive forms, … or more active ones, such as home energy reports that compare our energy use with our neighbors …”…
Blame rice for global warming!? ‘Rice is to blame for around 10% of global emissions of methane’ – ‘Rice cannot be ignored’
Every aspect of modern society is untenable due to our ‘climate crisis.’ …
Open Thread
Open Thread…
‘Less ice means more conflicts with polar bears’ narrative not supported by scientific evidence
This result by veteran polar bear researchers blows a big hole in the emerging narrative nudging the public to expect more polar bear attacks…
Is Warming Accelerating in the Troposphere?
…the new NOAA data do not support a claim that warming in the troposphere has undergone a statistically-significant change in trend.…