The Future of COPs
Projecting the quadratic curve to COP27 … attendance … to COP100 results in nearly 413 thousand attendees.…
Climate Tipping Points: Real Threats or Misinformation?
An attempt to sow worry and panic, with the motivation to motivate people to “do the right thing.” And it is both unethical and counterproductive.…
CO2 is Innocent but Clouds are Guilty. New Science has Created a “Black Swan Event”**
The modelers of the 1990’s where on the right track – if clouds change the results would be as strong as the that expected from CO2. The IPCC should evaluate CRGW theory. …
BBC Response to Svalbard Complaint
Their only defence of the omission of all relevant facts is that BBC News Editors can choose to include whatever they want!…
AFR: 10 Climate Disasters in 5 Years Cost $1.5 Trillion
AFR vaguely claims that climate change is making weather related disasters worse – but make no attempt to present evidence to back this claim.…
The Net-Zero Absurdity on the Back of An Envelope.
How much would global net zero by 2050 cost the world?…