Climate debate between Tom Nelson and Gerald Kutney
This was an excellent example of an informed climate realist speaking to an-appeal-to-authority believer.…
A Critical Assessment of Extreme Events Trends in Times of Global Warming
None of these response indicators show a clear positive trend of extreme events. In conclusion on the basis of observational data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, is not evident yet.…
50 Reasons to Re-Think Climate Policy
Climate Policy is in crisis.…
Updated Climate Models Clouded by Scientific Biases, Researchers Find
After all, the ultimate goal of any model evaluation study is to help improve those models.”…
Polar Bear No Closer to Extinction Than It Was 18 Years Ago as Arctic Sea Ice Resists ‘Tipping Point’
All predictions of disaster aside, in fact the polar bear is no closer to extinction than it was in 2005 as Arctic sea ice again steadfastly resists slipping past a catastrophic ‘tipping point’ — or the ‘death spiral’, as some chicken-littles continue to call it.…
Denmark First to Pay into the UN Climate Change Loss and Damage Fund
$13 million down, just another $99.987 billion to go……