Germany Green Energy Crisis: Warning of “Lehman Like” Contagion
Germany’s renewable policy inspired energy insecurity has reached crisis levels, with Germany’s Vice Chancellor warning of “Lehman like” economic contagion if energy prices rise any further.…
Southern Beaufort Sea Polar Bear Habitat at the Summer Solstice is Above Average
Sea ice is well above recent levels for this time of year in the Southern Beaufort and only time will tell if that’s bad news for polar bears.…
Relax, KOMO News, Tomatoes and Ketchup Supplies Are Secure Amid Climate Change
The evidence is clear; tomato production is doing well and agronomy and botany explain that part of the reason for this is the very increase in carbon dioxide levels that KOMO is warning threatens the continued viability of the crop.…
NASA Launch: Australia Joins the Commercial Space Race
Australia’s first ever commercial space launch, from our near Equatorial Arnhem Space Centre, will occur 10.44pm ACST (06:14am Sunday California Time).…
Claim: Climate Damage Caused by Growing Space Tourism Needs Urgent Mitigation
The team found that black carbon (soot) particles emitted by rockets are almost 500 times more efficient at holding heat in the atmosphere than all other sources of soot combined (surface and aircraft) – resulting in an enhanced climate effect.…
Coal Burning Germany: Pay Poor Countries to Switch to Renewables
“It’s difficult to cajole developing countries to abandon coal while reopening your own coal-fired power plants.”…