Atmospheric Fingerprint
By Andy May The IPCC believes that the change in solar radiation over the past 60 years nets to zero and has no trend beyond the normal ~11-year solar cycle.……
“Save The Children” Chooses Climate Virtue Signalling Over Feeding Hungry Kids
You might expect on the eve of a global food price crisis, a charity which genuinely cares about feeding hungry children would swallow their pride and prioritise accepting donations from any legal source. But Save the Children appears to have decided they care more about climate virtue signalling than their core mission.…
Weather Records Shattered–180 Years Ago
By every measure Hawkins claims don’t stand up to scrutiny, for England at least. It may be that rainfall is now more extreme in Scotland, but it is dishonest to pretend that the whole country is similarly affected.…
Leading Environmental Group NABU Now Vigorously Opposes Wind Parks In German Forests
“From an ecological point of view, the expansion of wind turbines in forests would be a fatally flawed development,” writes Blackout News. “According to NABU, the already damaged forest would deserve the highest protection and must not be considered as a possible commercial area.”…
Did Anyone Notice Today’s Climate Change School Strike?
Real problems, like Putin again threatening to use nuclear weapons to bolster his faltering attack on the Ukraine, are kindof sucking the oxygen from slow news day sensations like student climate change protests.…
New York Climate Act: Cost Estimate Sleight of Hand
The Draft Scoping Plan was written to prove the desired conclusion that the benefits were greater than the costs. In order to make that case both benefits and cost estimates have been perverted. …