Why Blaming Recent Warming on Humans is Largely a Matter of Faith
This is a pervasive, quasi-religious assumption of the Earth science community for as long as I can remember.…
Climate Pundits Shocked at President Biden’s Green Backtracking
According to the NYT, the State of the Union speech was a missed opportunity to focus attention on the link between Russia’s military power and Western fossil fuel dependency.…
An Inconvenient Attribution
Changes in air pollution linked with dry spells in Asia and summer heatwaves in Europe…
OECD Climate Plan: Freeze in the Dark until the Green Revolution
The OECD has recommended Europeans turn thermostats down, and conserve energy, to reduce dependence on Russian gas, until EU governments build enough energy storage capacity to make renewable energy viable.…
Climate Change Weekly #427: With New Energy Technologies, Beware of Spontaneous Combustion
A real-world example of spontaneous combustion, instances of which are becoming far more common, is devices with lithium-ion batteries erupting into flames without any apparent outside cause. This endangers lives and property, not just by the flames but also from the toxic fumes these fires emit.…
Democrat Senators Demand That Oil Companies Increase Production
Guest “I couldn’t make this sort of schist up if I was trying” by David Middleton Shaheen, Warner: Oil Companies Need to Increase Production, They’re Sitting on Oil to Increase……