Seawater seep may be speeding glacier melt, sea level rise
“Kilometers of intrusion-induced basal melt can cause projected ice sheet volume loss to more than double over the next century.…
Pennsylvania Power Plant Closures Would Cause Real Harm for Illusory Environmental Gains
From the CO2 Coalition By Gordon Tomb – February 8, 2022 Visible from Western Pennsylvania’s Allegheny Mountain ridges are coal-fired power plants—and their plumes of water vapor—that have been integral……
The Misrepresentation Of The Scientific Consensus On Climate Change
This actually satisfies a psychological need for many people.…
La Nina Conditions Continue Across the Equatorial Pacific
…likely to last into at least early summer with a potential impact on tropical activity…seeing an impact on global temperatures…
Are Climate Skeptics the Next to be Declared Terrorists?
According to a DHS Bulletin, anyone, especially foreigners, who promote Covid or 2020 narratives the Biden administration thinks are false are promoting sedition, which could lead to mass casualty attacks.…
Methane Spikes !
The concentration of atmospheric methane, a carbon-based molecule, is soaring; it is spiking; it is accelerating. Methane is a Greenhouse Gas! Well-mixed methane concentrations in the atmosphere have jumped from 1640 ppb to over 1900 ppb since the early 1980s. …