New York Climate Act: Is Anyone Listening to the Experts?
While there are hundreds of projects in the NYISO interconnection queue, there are none that would be capable of providing dispatchable emission-free resources that could perform on a multi-day period to maintain bulk power system reliability.…
SMH: Young People want Climate Action More than Money
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, young people would rather the government keep their money and spend it on climate action.…
Methane Causes Half Of Global Warming–IPCC
An IPCC study last year suggested that 30-50% of the current rise in temperatures is down to methane.…
New German leader proposes a ‘climate club’ of leading economies that would punish free riders like Australia
[let the bullying commence-cr] Wesley Morgan, Griffith University Germany has announced plans for a new climate alliance between the world’s advanced economies, in a move that promises to transform international……
Natural Gas Pipeline Politicization: FERC vs. Consumers in NYS/CT
From MasterResource By Robert Bradley Jr. — February 3, 2022 “[FERC] staff have determined that approval of the Project would not result in significant environmental impacts, with the exception of……
We’re on GETTR
Like and share. Since we’ve been limited and shadow banned on Facebook and Twitter for years, it will be interesting to see if we can generate real organic growth.…