Climate Obsessed Canadian Regulator Crackdown on Oil Sands Financing
According to Canadian regulators demand for fossil fuel will collapse in the next few decades, raising the spectre of a resource industry loan default crisis.…
Into The Black Box
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Through what in my life is a typical series of misunderstandings and coincidences, I ended up looking at the average model results from the Climate……
No, January 2022 Was Not A “Record Breaker”
No doubt all of this will be blamed on climate change, when the Met Office publishes its annual “Britain’s Wild Weather” nonsense at the end of the year.…
Natural Gas as a ‘Bridge Fuel’: Back to the 1980s/90s
“History rhymes. Natural gas as part of the environmental solution is a return to thirty-plus years ago.”…
The Pause Lengthens: No Global Warming For 7 Years 3 Months
The Pause lengthens yet again, and this time by three months. The double-dip la Niña is now manifesting itself in the UAH data, so that there has been no global warming for 7 years 3 months, up from 7 years on the basis of the previous monthly data.…
UK PM Boris Johnson Duped by UK Activists’ Climate slides – Climate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal to Help Deprogram the Propaganda Johnson Absorbed
From Climate Depot By: Marc Morano Climate Depot Special Report The BBC is reporting that 11 climate slides prepared by activist climate scientists in the UK somehow convinced UK Prime Minister……