US Politicians Pin Green Hopes on a Geothermal Energy Breakthrough
Geothermal energy in most places is an expensive dead end. But like the masked baddie in a low budget horror flick, it won’t stay in its grave, it keeps returning to the political agenda.…
Book Review: FALLEN ICON by Susan J. Crockford
“A fantastic read! Take a deep dive into the intrigue and devious deception perpetrated on the world by a detailed list of international operators ….…
Two More Contributions On The Impossibility Of Electrifying Everything Using Only Wind, Solar And Batteries
Go ahead and look through the plans being put forth today by the likes of California, New York, Germany or the UK, and see how they address any of these issues.…
UK’s Third Climate Change Risk Assessment
The whole report is just another attempt to scare the children and persuade people to accept the high costs of Net Zero.…
NASA’s Curiosity Rover Measures Intriguing Carbon Signature on Mars
From NASA After analyzing powdered rock samples collected from the surface of Mars by NASA’s Curiosity rover, scientists today announced that several of the samples are rich in a type……
Guardian: BoJo’s Political Weakness Endangers Climate Action
UK PM Boris “Lockdown Party” Johnson’s deteriorating political fortunes are worrying climate activists, who are concerned his successor might be more worried about trimming household bills than hitting net zero.…
Study: Global Warming End of Snow Threatens Winter Olympics
According to an “athlete and coach perspective” study conducted by the University of Waterloo in Canada, reductions in snowfall due to climate change will make it difficult to host future Winter Olympic events.…