Rain Caused Volcano to Erupt… Because Climate Change?
Guest “Did you ever play the telephone game?” by David Middleton Hat tip to Ted… Message: Please find a qualified geologist to take on this nonsense. They cite “the conversation”……
Greece Puts Coal Power Plants Shut Down in 2019 Back Into Operation…To Avert Winter Blackouts!
But that has turned out to be easier said than done. Greece now is putting lignite-fired power plants back into operation after a recent study by Greek electricity regulator RAE found the supply was at risk, especially in the cold winter months – due to the lack of reliable baseload power supply.…
BOMBSHELL: In court filing, Facebook admits ‘fact checks’ are nothing more than opinion
Facebook has admitted in a court of law that such fact checks are not factual at all, but merely opinions. People send me stuff. As we have previously reported, journalist……
Japan Building 22 New Coal Power Plants
There is talk of eventually producing blue hydrogen from coal, and converting the plants to burn that instead. However that really is pie in the sky, as it would need carbon capture in the hydrogen process. If you have that, you might just as well use it in the coal plants themselves and carry on burning coal.…
Press Release: KNMI Scrapped Too Many Tropical Days in De Bilt
Properly performed corrections of the daily temperatures at De Bilt are important for, among other things, assessing climate change in the Netherlands. With the applied correction on the daytime temperatures of De Bilt in the first half of the last century, this is not possible. An alternative could be to leave the historical data unchanged and derive climate trends from the individual data of all stations.…
John Cook: “Machine learning holds a key to combating [climate] misinformation”
After training a computer to look for online climate “misinformation”, John Cook was surprised that people don’t trust the proposed solutions.…
Death Threats, Socialist Resonance, and Other Weird Progress on the Energy Road
An energy transition is not the enemy of hydrocarbons, no matter what demons the cliques conjure to tell you otherwise. An energy transition will flow out of the existing system, if and only if that system continues to meet the needs of all the world’s people.…