Benny Peiser: “We are Entering a New Phase in the Climate Debate”
Benny Peiser, director of the Global Warming Policy Foundation, gave a talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and CLINTEL. His online presentation was titled: After COP26, with a looming energy crisis, is there a realistic alternative to Net Zero?…
India’s Net Zero Pledge: What Does It Really Mean?
“It is how much carbon you are going to put in the atmosphere before reaching net-zero that is more important,”…
Great Barrier Reef Warming, Coral Bleaching Driven By Cloud Radiative Forcing, Not Humans
From the NoTricksZone By Kenneth Richard on 2. December 2021 For decades Great Barrier Reef (GBR) warming and coral bleaching have often been assumed to be driven by human greenhouse gas emissions and/or……
Pielke Jr. Slams Kerry Emanuel’s Latest
Observations of hurricane activity apparently don’t show the right trends. So this new paper re-invents history by using modeled historical hurricane activity to find the right trends.…
The New Pause lengthens by a hefty three months
On the UAH data, there has been no global warming at all for very nearly seven years since January 2015 of 2015. The New Pause has lengthened by three months, thanks to what may prove to be a small double-dip la Niña:…
Claim: Anti-Capitalist Religious Groups Can Help the Climate Struggle
Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to University of Cambridge Professors Tobias Müller and Esra Özyürek, religious groups can help combat climate change, but they need to renounce our “profit……