Biden Advises Americans Who Can’t Afford Gasoline to Buy an EV
Biden does not understand why people are finding rising gasoline prices such a struggle, when the obvious solution is to buy a $112,595 electric Hummer pickup.…
UK PM Explains how Old Soviet Catchphrases Apply to his Green Revolution
According to UK PM Boris Johnson, the words of Soviet founder Vladimir Lenin, who ushered in seventy years of famine and oppression, offer worthwhile guidance to supporters of his British green revolution.…
Solar Variations Controversy
The impact of solar variations on the climate is uncertain and subject to substantial debate. However, you would not infer from the IPCC assessment reports that there is debate or substantial uncertainty surrounding this issue.…
Leif Svalgaard Responds to Willie Soon
To my eye there is no difference between our reconstruction and theirs [based on Machine Learning], except that we have error bars and they don’t. It is amazing how people’s bias can cause them to draw contrary conclusions from [almost] identical data.…
Claim: Hurricanes Expected to Linger Over Northeast Cities, Causing Greater Damage
More storms like Hurricane Sandy could be in the East Coast’s future, potentially costing billions of dollars in damage and economic losses. Peer-Reviewed Publication AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION WASHINGTON—By the late……
Scientists Notice: Nightmare Sulfur Injection Geoengineering Plan Might Cause Problems
If you block the sun, you hurt food production. There’s even a study. But this terrifying problem has not stopped climate enthusiasts from pushing forward with an attempt to recreate the end of the dinosaur age, to “save” us from 1C of global warming.…