Cooked Up Consensus: Lynas et al “Should Rather Be Classified As Propaganda, Bad Science”…”Truly Brazen”
The entire paper had not even examined whether there was a consensus on “human influence being the dominant cause of the observed warming”. How could such wrong conclusions survive a peer review? This raises doubts about the value of peer review.…
Top UN Climate Official: World Conflict and Refugee Chaos if you Disobey
According to the UN’s top climate official Patricia Espinosa, if nations fail to follow the UN’s direction on climate change, they will face food shortages, conflict and a flood of climate refugees.…
SEC Obsesses Over “Climate” Risk Disclosures
There will shortly be thousands upon thousands of additional pages of corporate disclosures of the “risks” of attempts by governments to suppress the use of fossil fuels. But governments have no real idea how to replace the fossil fuels and still have a modern economy.…
Have You Seen The Guardian’s Climate Disaster? It Appears To Have Gone Missing!
The Guardian has clearly lost its grip as well! They’ll probably try to tell us next that we all died last year. After they cannot get much more ridiculous.…
Australian Comedy Hour: Net Zero Pledge Will Not Impose New Taxes or Kill Jobs
According to Australia’s Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Australia can embrace entirely painless Net Zero 2050 commitments without closing coal mines or imposing new taxes.…
Texas to United Nations: Pound Sand
The world is reeling from spiraling fuel costs caused by premature over-reliance on renewable energy. High fuel costs punish middle class families & stoke the supply chain crisis. Texas oil & gas is needed right now.…