EIA: Renewables no longer expected to be #1 by 2050
Guest “Just a bit outside” by David Middleton In the Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) 2020 International Energy Outlook, renewables (including hydroelectric) were forecast to surpass petroleum and other liquid fuels……
Chinese and Indian Climate Policy Power Crisis Worsens
As China scrambles to recover from a severe coal shortage caused by Xi Jinping’s “non-negotiable” climate directives, their coal, gas and electricity buying spree is triggering shortages in India, Europe and Britain, and perhaps even the USA.…
“Insulate Britain” Compares Climate Protest Deaths to WW2 Collateral Damage
The leaders of Insulate Britain, who continuously promote climate alarm, apparently think it is acceptable for sick people to die in ambulances which can’t get past his illegal climate protest road blocks.…
Japan Stocking Fossil Fuels for Winter (part of global pattern)
Right in the midst of a global political effort to reduce fossil fuel consumption, Japan is set to increase its fossil fuel use and imports as an expected colder-than-normal winter approaches.…
Column: European Cargo Cults? Standing On The Shore, Waiting For ‘Energy Cargo’…A Full Circle Of Colonial Irony
Make no mistake: this catastrophe has been purposefully engineered by energy charlatans and organizations that convinced the world it no longer needs hydrocarbons and can begin dismantling the hydrocarbon system. Every ENGO celebration of a blocked pipeline is a direct and irrefutable piece of evidence should the unthinkable happen.…
“Climate Emergency” – Nothing But Politics And Propaganda Unsupported By Scientific Data
The “climate emergency” claim hyped by Scientific American and other political climate alarmist entities is based on the completely fallacious statement that “the planet is heating up way to fast” with that flawed claim representing nothing but politics and propaganda that is disproved by actually measured global temperature anomaly temperature measurements between 1988 and 2021 as well as being directly contradicted by the more than 5 year-long declining global temperature anomaly data presented by all 5 major global temperature anomaly measurement systems between 2016 and 2021.…