Electric vehicle fire catastrophe: It is not a matter of if, but when
We should be forward-thinking in the prevention of a looming tragedy and consider doing what two towns in Bavaria did after the horrific German bus station inferno: completely ban all-electric vehicles from parking in underground garages. Electric vehicles may one day be safe enough to assume no fire risk in vulnerable garages, but that day has yet to arrive. …
Renewable Energy Fury at the New Aussie Government Physical Retailer Reliability Obligation
Subsidies for everyone – the Aussie Federal Government is pushing to make electricity retailers responsible for continuity of supply, which will likely force them to pay for fossil fuel generators to maintain reserve capacity to cover gaps in the renewable energy supply.…
Extreme Temperatures In England
Discussion of “extreme temperatures” tends to revolve around highs rather than lows. In a warming world, high temperature extremes will inevitably become more common, just as lows get rarer. But is there any sign that the former will outweigh the latter?…
Silent Summer: August Snowfall In Austria, With More Forecast To Come Over Coming Days. “Winter Feeling”
These amazing gains are in addition to those observed in recent years. The tide has turned in Greenland. And this growth trend has accelerated in 2020 – that’s BIG news. This is how glaciers build up. This is also how ice ages begin.…
Ipsos MORI: UK Climate Change Concern at a Near Record High
According to Ipsos MORI, Climate Change concern has reached fever pitch in the UK, as the relentless BBC and establishment campaign to frighten ordinary people with stories of bushfires and heatwaves yields dividends.…
CLINTEL goes to court
The DUARTE case illustrates how climate activists have found an ally in partisan judges with whom they share an ideological affinity. Under the guise of human rights, climate policy is being reduced to an irreversible judicial dictate based on flawed pseudo-science, over which no democratic control is possible. Judicial authorities that dictate policy to democratically elected governments are not applying laws but, rather, making them themselves. The judges concerned do not even bother to hide their bias; they distort the science and enact ineffective policies.…