Today in climate history: June 10th, 1783
The climatic effects of the Laki eruption are impressive. In the eastern United States, the winter average temperature was 4.8 degrees C below the 225 year average. The estimate for the temperature decrease of the entire Northern Hemisphere is about 1 degree C. The top graph shows change in acidity in micro equivalents H+ per kg in the Greenland icecap. The bottom graph represents the winter temperature records in the eastern United States. From Sigurdsson (1982).…
The Economic Costs Of Climate Change–Swiss Re
Coming back to the UK, it is simply absurd to claim that we would be £50 billion better off with the climate of the Little Ice Age, Our agriculture would be severely hit, mortality higher, and energy demand greater.…
Death spiral of American academia
This climate is eroding free speech, with overt censorship by rejecting publication of results with real (or simply apparent) connection to right-of-center policies, as well as tremendous self- censorship both in the classroom and in published academic papers. Scientists (including me) rationally submit papers that will not ruffle feathers, which itself has the obvious effect of reducing the disagreement often required for scientific progress.…
Open Letter to the BBC: A modest BBC docudrama suggestion
Rather than disband the creative team who undertook the daunting project of whitewashing the revelation that leading climate scientists had been manipulating & withholding data, hiding evidence, flouting FoIA laws to illegally evade legitimate requests for data needed to replicate scientific studies, and blackballing skeptics, to promote the CAGW scare, may I suggest that you make “The Trick” the first in a series. For the next one, you can tackle the second-worst scientific scandal in modern history: Piltdown Man.…
A study shows the unexpected effect of black holes beyond their own galaxies
These results suggest, then, that there is a particular coupling between the black holes and their galaxies, by which they can expel matter to great distances from the galactic centres, and can even affect the evolution of other nearby galaxies. “So not only can we observe the effects of central black holes on the evolution of galaxies, but our analysis opens the way to understand the details of the interaction”, explains Ignacio Martín Navarro, who is the first author of the article.…
New Zealand Climate Commission Report Recommends Fewer Cars, More Electric, Fewer Cows
Climate ambition meet Modern Monetary Theory – a slap for every remaining productive sector of the New Zealand economy.…