Truth or consequences: global warming consensus thinking and the decline of public debate
We believe that the city fathers who withdrew endorsement of our meeting were simply following the persuasive power of the AGW consensus advocates. It is doubtful that they, not being experts, discerned any advantage to disputing the consensus. At worst, they can only be accused of lacking the courage to assail the controversy.…
Meltwater Pulse 1A
Guest “trying not to nitpick” by David Middleton An Ancient Meltwater Pulse Raised Sea Levels by 18 MetersMeltwater pulse 1A, a period of rapid sea level rise after the last……
Oreskes and the climate gang penned a smear in Scientific American @sciam refuses to print response by Koonin
Foreword: I was sent this by email, apparently “Scientific American” doesn’t believe in fairness. I stopped subscribing to SciAm years ago because they’ve turned into a socialist cesspool of opinion,……
The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to poor modeling
The methods used in A. M. Vicedo-Cabrera et all 2021 are seriously flawed causing results and conclusion to be invalid.…
Net Zero Carbon? BOTH Major Aussie Parties Back Gas
Both parties support gas? In yet another blow for Biden’s global climate ambitions, voter and union pressure on the opposition Australian Labor Party to support well paid mining jobs appears to be pushing politicians towards bipartisan support for fossil fuel projects.…
Our “carbon-free for all” brought to you by Google
Guest “I couldn’t make this sort of schist up if I was trying” by David Middleton A “carbon-free future for all” would also be unsustainable for all. All life on……
Scientific American steps in it
By Andy May The left-wing Scientific American published a so-called review of Steven Koonin’s new book, Unsettled, by a number of prominent left-wing scientists. The article is headed by the……