A New Kind of Denialism
“The Climate Central study, on which the Times Union editorial is partially based, despite what must have been hundreds of hours of careful calculations and computer modelling time, arrives at a conclusion which is not only not physically possible and illogical, but is absurd on its face. “…
Ocean Temperature Limit – Corrections and Part 4
Current climate models parameterise clouds and atmospheric water is treated as a “Greenhouse Gas” when it exists in the atmosphere as gas, liquid and solid. The solid phase is a key factor in the formation of reflective clouds. These phases are all responsive to surface temperature at the base of the atmospheric column and surface pressure to a much lesser degree in the observed range. The atmospheric gear change around 45mm TPW is not a simple process that can be emulated with a few cloud parameters.…
Why is Energy so Difficult to Store? Why is Stored Energy so Difficult to Use?
One more point seems pertinent. A decade ago we were all lectured that the environment would be best served as we de-materialized society. That is, we would reduce our environmental footprint as we used less matter; reducing the energy inputs and associated pollution that processing materials requires. Renewable energy with the low energy density of its sources, and the storage it requires and using many advanced and rare materials, are taking us the other direction. Instead of depending on dispatchable energy sources which can supply a kilowatt per kilogram of material, we are proposing systems which provide a mere watt using tens of kilograms. We will re-materialize society.…
“Major Scientific Breakthrough”…Scientists “Step Closer To Predicting North Atlantic Climate”
A team of scientists believe they’ve made a forecasting breakthrough, suggesting the NAO is in fact highly predictable.…
Surprising sea ice thickness across the Arctic is good news for polar bears
From Polar Bear Science Posted on May 27, 2021 This year near the end of May the distribution of thickest sea ice (3.5-5m/11.5-16.4 ft – or more) is a bit surprising,……
L A Times Publishes Beijing-Funded Propaganda, Conceals China’s Massive Coal Use & Emissions
Biden, the Democratic Party, the L A Times and other ill-informed climate alarmists are completely out of touch with global energy and emissions realities with their incompetent schemes mandating that the U.S. destroy its economy while reducing emissions here at the cost of trillions of dollars so that developing nations can continue to significantly increase both their fossil energy use and resulting emissions while significantly growing their economies.…