Wandering polar bears are the new starving polar bears, falsely blamed on climate change
This means that the ‘scientists’ quoted below by The Times were making up nonsense for the media, who apparently didn’t think to question it. ‘Polar bear treks 1,500 miles south as Arctic hunting zone melts away‘ (The Times, UK: 13 May 2021):…
EPA Updates Its “Climate Change Indicators”
In other words, well more than half of the seemingly scary increase in temperature since 1901 shown in the EPA graph has just gone away in the last 16 months. So the Biden EPA, not wanting to complicate the official story of “climate change is happening now,” simply truncated the data in its graph at January 2020 to shut out the last year plus of big temperature declines. There is no way to characterize the EPA graph as other than intentionally deceptive.…
Thunderstorm World: A Model to Explore Ideas from Willis Eschenbach
I’ve been thinking about some ideas that WUWT contributor Willis Eschenbach (WE) has proposed. In particular, WE has suggested that tropical cumulus clouds and thunderstorms provide a “thermostatic mechanism” that helps to stabilize the temperature of the Earth within a narrow range. WE has also offered a procedure for predicting surface temperatures changes in response to increased radiative forcing.…
Scientists invent a method for predicting solar radio flux for two years ahead
Scientists at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Skoltech) and their colleagues from the University of Graz & the Kanzelhöhe Observatory (Austria) and the ESA European Space Operations Centre developed a method and software called RESONANCE to predict the solar radio flux activity for 1-24 months ahead. RESONANCE will serve to improve the specification of satellite orbits, re-entry services, modeling of space debris evolution, and collision avoidance maneuvers. The research results were published in the high-profile Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series.…
MIT unveils a new action plan to tackle the climate crisis
Using the campus as a living testbed, the Institute has studied every aspect of its operations to assess their climate impacts, including heating and cooling, electricity, lighting, materials, and transportation. The studies confirm the difficulties inherent in transforming large existing infrastructure, but all feasible reductions in emissions are being pursued. Among them: All new purchases of light vehicles will be zero-emissions if available. The amount of solar generation on campus will increase fivefold, from 100 to 500 kilowatts. Shuttle buses will begin converting to electric power no later than 2026, and the number of car-charging stations will triple, to 360.…
Senator Rand Paul: NIH Financed Dangerous “Gain of Function” Virus Studies in Wuhan
Dr. Fauci denies the NIH funded gain of function studies in Wuhan. But last May, WUWT reported on a published gain of function paper which includes a top Wuhan virologist as an author, and acknowledges NIH funding.…