Should Doctors Receive Mandatory Covid Vaccinations?
A debate appears to be raging in the British medical community, about whether the severity of some long term adverse reactions to the Covid Vaccine undermines the case for mandatory vaccination of medical staff. The following is a letter published in the British Medical Journal by Dr. Katya Polyakova, medical director of Partnerships in Care, Kent.…
The Sun Also Sets
Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I read a new study that claims that El Ninos are triggered by a “transition” in the sun. Sunspots have a cycle of about 11……
Dangerously Stupid Science: Solar Geoengineering
Modelers too often eschew the bountiful evidence of real natural climate change when it competes with their CO2‑driven models. They downplay the myriad of critical factors that have caused change throughout history, to eliminate challenges to their belief only CO2 is the climate change control knob. Unprofessionally they denigrate all who dare question their model as deniers. But their deep love for their own models has become a fatal attraction. Not only do they try to suppress the very foundations of science and dismiss calls for further debate, they are advocating for highly dangerous and wasteful actions to block the sun. As the Little Ice Age scholar Robert Bolton insightfully warned, “A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses; it is an idea that possesses the mind”. Far too many are possessed by their willing belief in a climate crisis.…
Belong To The Climate Club Or Get Penalized: The EU’s New Trade Protectionism
Reposted from Forbes By Tilak Doshi Trade protectionism has venerable roots in the history of economic thought, from Germany’s celebrated Friedrich List in the 1840s to Raul Prebisch who headed the UN’s Economic Commission……
Polar bear problems onshore in Svalbard before prime feeding season
A polar bear broke into the emergency room of the cabin area at Fredheim on Thursday afternoon, damaging a window and interior furnishings, before it was chased away by a tour group visiting the historic site, according to The Governor of Svalbard.…
New study ties solar variability to the onset of decadal La Nina events
The paper does not delve into what physical connection between the Sun and Earth could be responsible for the correlation, but the authors note that there are several possibilities that warrant further study, including the influence of the Sun’s magnetic field on the amount of cosmic rays that escape into the solar system and ultimately bombard Earth. However, a robust physical link between cosmic rays variations and climate has yet to be determined.…