Major 8.1 Earthquake Near New Zealand

There may be a Tsunami as a result of this big quake. A previous quake reading 7.4 caused a Tsunami warning, which has sine been lifted. This new one may……

Steyn Files New Motion in Perpetual Case

We have shown here, and in Steyn’s affirmative motion for summary judgment, that the three allegedly defamatory statements in paragraph 28 of the Amended Complaint are true. We have demonstrated that the three new “statements” Mann has concocted and tried to attribute to Steyn are also true.…

NASA Scientists Complete 1st Global Survey of Freshwater Fluctuation

“We’re now able to measure all of these lakes and reservoirs with the same ‘ruler,’ over and over again,” Neumann said. “It’s a great example of another science application that these height measurements enable. It’s incredibly exciting to see what questions people are able to investigate with these datasets.”…

High end of climate sensitivity in new climate models seen as less plausible

Researchers at Princeton University and the University of Miami reported that newer models with a high “climate sensitivity” — meaning they predict much greater global warming from the same levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide as other models — do not provide a plausible scenario of Earth’s future climate.…