UN WHO Asks Rich Nations to Pause Covid Vaccination, so Others can Catch Up
WHO Spokesperson Margaret Harris wants rich nations including the USA to allow some of their people die, so more vaccines can be diverted to poor nations to allow them to “catch up”. But following Harris’ advice could significantly increase deaths amongst young people.…
New Zealand Government Proposes Breeding Larger Cattle to Defeat Climate Change
According to the New Zealand government, so long as farmers continue productivity improvements, increasing the meat content per head of cattle, it should be possible to maintain current meat production with a substantially reduced cattle head count.…
China nixes Antony Blinken climate appeal over Uighur genocide claims
WASHINGTON — China’s Communist government smacked-down Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s appeals to work together on climate change after he said he agreed that the Chinese government’s treatment of Uighur Muslims amounted to “genocide.”…
Increasing Hurricane Intensity Study Fatally Flawed
The data shows that the global results are driven largely by a single basin, the North Atlantic. The proportion of major wind speeds increased by 72% in the North Atlantic, far more than in any other hurricane basin. Western Pacific, which accounts for over 40% of the major hurricane force winds over the last 4 decades, showed a smaller proportion of intense storms in the later period (indicating a negative change). The other basins either showed no change at all between periods or the change was so small as to fail tests of statistical significance at traditional levels of confidence.…
Biden Cabinet Nominee Open to New Taxes to Pay for “Climate Agenda”
Raimondo continued the line that the “climate” agenda spending ambitions cost a lot of money, “We need funds”, and someone’s just going to have to suck it up and hand over their money to pay for them.…
Guardian: “The Trump years may well have been the death rattle of influential [climate] denialism”
According to the Guardian, despite “unease among some unions” about destroyed jobs, Biden’s transformative first week will set the course for America’s future. But nobody has a coherent explanation for how Biden will make it all work.…