We still Have a Chance? Norwegian Climate Doomsday Authors Issue a “Clarification”
A few days ago WUWT reported on a Norwegian “past the point of no return” global warming paper whose outlook was so pessimistic even climate alarmists were upset. The authors now appear to have responded to academic pressure, and have publicly accepted that it is never too late to pay the penalty for our climate sins by taking expensive remedial action.…
Pennsylvania is Flirting with Self-Imposed Energy Disaster
From the National Mining Association: Americans can’t afford to pay more for electricity, especially with millions out of work in the midst of pandemic-induced economic upheaval. Yet, higher electricity costs and economic turmoil are coming if lawmakers continue to pursue policies that mandate an aggressive pivot away from existing baseload power to intermittent, more expensive……
Claim: The USA’s Largest Radio Observatory is on the Verge of Structural Collapse
According to The Register, after two recent cable failures the 900 ton platform suspended above the gigantic Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico is literally hanging by a thread. Fraying has been observed in the other cables. Engineers are refusing to certify whether the remaining cables can hold the central platform.…
Good news: Gulf of Boothia and M’Clintock Channel polar bear survey results
Reposted from Polar Bear Science Posted on November 17, 2020 Final reports for two Canadian subpopulations reveal the number of polar bears in M’Clintock Channel has more than doubled since 2000 while Gulf of Boothia as remained about the same despite moderate declines in summer sea ice cover. All of the survey results were published……
Report Claim: In retrospect, the burning of wood in district heating plants has resulted in climate saving
ENERGY A new report from the University of Copenhagen shows that the burning of wood is significantly more climate friendly than coal and slightly more climate friendly than natural gas over the long run. For the first time, researchers quantified what the conversion of 10 Danish cogeneration plants from coal or natural gas to biomass has meant for their greenhouse gas emissions.…
Washington Post: President Biden will Punish Australia for Climate Failures
According to the Washington Post, Biden plans to impose trade tariffs on Australia unless Australia embraces a net zero carbon plan and curbs Australia’s CO2 intensive energy export industry.…
The structure of complex issues
We live in a world of complex issues, which can be very frustrating. I have been doing research on the generic structure of issues for a long time. There is an underlying pattern that might be helpful to know about. I call it the issue tree. What follows is necessarily simplified to fit into a short article, but it is still a big step forward.…