Solar Cycle 25 has officially begun

Solar Cycle 25 is officially underway. NASA and NOAA made the announcement during a media teleconference earlier today. According to an international panel of experts, sunspot counts hit rock bottom in Dec. 2019, and have been slowly increasing since. NASA and NOAA made the announcement during a media teleconference earlier today. According to an international panel of……

No “Swamp” to See Here — EPA Quietly Hires ‘Climate RICO’ Ringleader

From the but, but, but David Legates! department By CHRIS HORNER GAO,  Can’t Spell The Swamp Without E-P-A Following up on this gem posted earlier, the topic of properly using — or misusing — law enforcement powers is one of great interest to GAO, which also runs The importance of the issue has become increasingly obvious in the past, say,……

Cooling The Hothouse

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I see that a new study has been hyped with the headline: Earth barreling toward ‘Hothouse’ state not seen in 50 million years,epic new climate record shows I’ll spare you a link to the miscreants in question, it’s the usual alarmism. Here’s a sample. “Now, in a new study published……

The Surface Energy Budget

Guest post by Wim Röst Abstract The energy budget for the surface is different from Earth’s energy budget. A look at the surface energy budget reveals that radiation is not the main factor in cooling the surface. The dominant factor in surface cooling is convection, responsible for the removal of more than three quarters of……

Charleston SC Junk Climate Lawsuit

Guest “Go ahead, make my day…” by David Middleton Charleston sues ‘Big Oil’ for flooding in SC Lowcountry caused by global warmingBy Mikaela PorterSep 9, 2020 Updated Sep 11, 2020 The city of Charleston filed a lawsuit Wednesday in state court against two dozen major oil and pipeline companies, alleging their products and the spread……