Stand up and ‘March for Science’ say people who don’t know what science is
…13 reasons to CLEXIT (climate exit) from UN Paris Climate Treaty
- President Obama signed the UN “agreement” bypassing the constitutional requirement to seek the “advice and consent” of the Senate despite it possessing all the hallmarks of a “treaty”
- The climate models the UN relied on continually project a warmer world than observations record the scientific case for the agreement was never adequately made
- In the unlikely event the Paris agreement is fully complied with by all parties it will nonetheless have no meaningful impact on global temperature while imposing huge and wasteful costs and restrictions
- The agreement fails rational cost/benefit analysis
- The agreement weakens national sovereignty by giving foreign bureaucrats control over American energy use
- Climate activists will seek to compel American compliance with the agreement through the courts
- If the agreement remains in place climate activists will use it in the future as justification to reimpose burdensome regulations and create new ones
- If the U.S. remains within the agreement while failing to comply with its terms foreign governments will seek to apply penalties for noncompliance
- Financial transfers to the UN climate process and the Green Climate Fund represent a massive waste of taxpayer funds and an open door to corruption
- The agreement ensures unfair and disparate impacts by committing the U.S. to reduce its carbon emissions by nearly 30% below 2005 levels while emissions from major world economies such as China’s and India’s will continue to grow at a rate rendering any U.S. reductions inconsequential
- In effect the agreement would shift manufacturing from the U.S. and Europe to developing economies causing economic loss with no meaningful decrease in emissions
- Highly subsidized “renewable” energy is extremely expensive yet too inefficient to power the U.S. economy
Flashback: Candidate Trump: ‘We’re going to cancel the Paris climate agreement’
Send warmist Josh Fox to ‘hug it out’ with ISIS
Today we’re launching a $2,500 fundraiser to send Josh Fox to ‘hug it out’ with ISIS.
Fox took to Twitter after President Donald Trump dropped the Mother of All Bombs in Afghanistan, saying, “Atrocity. Murder. Abomination. When will we learn that only #love stops hate, and bombings only create more #ISIS? #moab #stoptrump.” A second tweet read, “Love your enemy. Don’t create more of them. Teachers, diplomacy, culture and aid helps peace. Bombs don’t. #MOAB #murder #NoMoreWars.”
The fundraiser will pay for Fox’s airfare to Afghanistan, 2 nights in a hotel and a dozen roses so Fox can show ISIS how much he really loves them.
If Fox refuses to go and turns out to be the hypocritical coward we believe him to be, then we’ll donate all the funds raised to the Wounded Warrior Project.…
AFL-CIO: ‘Unionized Scientists March in Protest of Attacks on Science and Jobs’ – Oppose Budget Cuts
Of all the attacks on our civil society, the attacks on evidence-based science pose perhaps the greatest existential threat. Decisions being made about climate science and environmental protection at this critical time will shape the future of our planet.
Advances in research are produced by the twin pillars of dedicated scientists and an activated citizenry who demand that the best science be applied to today’s most pressing problems. Because scientists produce the facts that expose the lies currently being purveyed, the tip of the spear is pointed at the heart of science-based policy and research.
But the imminent threat also presents an extraordinary opportunity for the scientific community to unify around a message of resistance, one in which organized labor has a critical role to play. Unionized scientists are well-positioned to fight back against the false narratives being pushed by the administration and to advocate collectively for continued funding of crucial basic research. Science professionals need a workplace free from fear of corporate power and political malfeasance influencing their results. We are the protectors of truth and facts, and in that way we all are in service to the public. With scientific integrity, we speak truth to power.
Budget cuts are the beginning of the attack. For example, the Donald Trump administration is proposing a 31% cut in funding and 21% cut in workforce at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on top of less-heralded budget cuts over the past three years. Such low funding levels have not been seen since the 1970s, prior to the enactment of most of our national environmental laws. Enforcement is also targeted, crippling the EPA’s ability to protect human health.
Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth fined for breaking campaigning rules
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public Greenpeace Ltd and Friends of the Earth Limited have been fined by the Electoral Commission for failing to comply with campaigning rules at the 2015 UK Parliamentary General Election. At the general election, non-party campaigners were required to register with the Electoral Commission if they spent more than either £20,000 campaigning in England or £10,000 campaigning in Wales.
Source: Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth fined for breaking campaigning rules…
Trapped In Thick Arctic Ice, Canadian Fishermen Call For Compensation
Heavy ice is making it impossible for fishermen from the Twillingate area to get to their crab fishing grounds. Heavy ice is making it impossible for fishermen from the Twillingate area to get to their crab fishing grounds. (Twitter/@jeddore1972) At least six Twillingate fish harvesters are being kept from the crab fishery by miles of ice that have build up just outside their harbour.
Source: Trapped In Thick Arctic Ice, Canadian Fishermen Call For Compensation…
Trump Administration May Not Find Middle Ground on Paris Climate Deal
As the Trump administration debates whether to stay in the Paris climate agreement, observers are skeptical that opposing wings of the administration will reach a middle ground. President Donald Trump’s top advisers are expected to meet Tuesday to discuss whether the U.S. should remain in the agreement, Politico reported.
Source: Trump Administration May Not Find Middle Ground on Paris Climate Deal…
White House Postpones Meeting on Paris Climate Accord
President Donald Trump’s most senior advisers postponed a meeting Tuesday during which they had hoped to bridge the administration’s divide over whether the U.S. should leave or remain in the Paris climate change agreement. The fate of the agreement, backed by nearly 200 nations in 2015, has become a major symbolic policy question for a president who has dismissed human-caused climate change as a hoax and promised to revive the U.S. coal industry.
Source: White House Postpones Meeting on Paris Climate Accord…
Analysis: U.S. Temperature Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems
Most people assume that temperature graphs from NOAA and NASA are generated by averaging thermometer data and honestly reporting their findings. This belief is based on a blind belief in authority, rather than evidence. NOAA publishes two US temperature data sets – raw and final.
Source: US Temperature Data Tampering – Worse Than It Seems…