All Australians “are detrimental”. Climate Scientist worries that her baby will cause floods, droughts, and warm globe

After years of struggle to conceive, plus tortured introspection about the effect her baby might have on future storms, Sophie Lewis, climate scientist, announces conception in the most convoluted way: And then, just as senselessly as our grief began, it ended.

Source: All Australians “are detrimental”. Climate Scientist worries that her baby will cause floods, droughts, and warm globe


While Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will never admit it, the 2015 Paris climate treaty Canada signed with great fanfare died last week. It died because of the release of U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2018 budget plan.

While Trump has to get it through the U.S. Congress, which means parts of it are unlikely to survive, his clear intention to gut U.S. climate change policy by dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency spells the death knell for the Paris treaty.

Trump is proposing deeper cuts to the EPA than any other government agency, reducing its $8.2 billion budget by 31%, laying off 19% of its 15,000 staff and cutting 50 programs.

That includes funding for Barack Obama’s signature climate change initiative, his Climate Action Plan, to reduce America’s use of coal-fired electricity.

Trump’s budget director, Mick Mulvaney, made the president’s intention crystal clear Thursday.

“Regarding the question of climate change … We’re not spending money on that anymore,” Mulvaney said. “We consider that to be a waste of your money … ”

That means the U.S., the world’s second-largest emitter of industrial greenhouse gases (China’s first), has effectively pulled out of the Paris treaty, regardless of whether it formally withdraws.

As the leader of the developed world, America’s participation in the…

Oops… ‘scientists’ overlooked effect of ‘dead zones’ on coral reefs

Not global warming. Not ocean acidification. Key quotes: … they suspected it was caused by a dead zone–a low-oxygen area that snuffs out marine life–rather than by ocean warming or acidification… The team thinks that such dead zones may be common in the tropics but have gone largely unreported, simply because scientists never looked… Based … Continue reading Oops… ‘scientists’ overlooked effect of ‘dead zones’ on coral reefs

Source: Oops… ‘scientists’ overlooked effect of ‘dead zones’ on coral reefs

Blank Sun Transitions Towards Solar Minimum

A blank look to the sun on Monday, March 20, and it has now been blank for two weeks straight; image courtesy NASA/GSFC

The sun is currently blank with no visible sunspots and this is the 14th straight day with a blank look which is the longest such stretch since April 2010 according to . A blank look to the sun on Monday, March 20, and it has now been blank for two weeks straight; image courtesy NASA/GSFC Historically weak solar cycle 24 continues to transition away from its solar maximum phase and towards the next solar minimum.

Source: Blank Sun Transitions Towards Solar Minimum

Third weakest solar cycle since 1755

The Sun has been spotless for two weeks straight, says meteorologist Anthony Watts. This makes it the longest stretch with zero sunspots since April 2010 Solar cycle 24, the solar cycle we are now in, has been historically weak, says Watts. “There have already been 26 spotless days in 2017 (34% of the entire year) and this follows 32 spotless days last year which occurred primarily during the latter part of the year. “The blank look to the sun will increase in frequency over the next couple of years leading up to the next solar minimum – probably to be reached in late 2019 or 2020.” Third weakest solar cycle since 1755 “By one measure, the current solar cycle is the third weakest since record keeping began in 1755 and it continues a weakening trend since solar cycle 21 peaked in 1980. “One of the impacts of low solar activity is the increase of cosmic rays that can penetrate into the Earth’s upper atmosphere and this has some important consequences.” The post Third weakest solar cycle since 1755 appeared first on Ice Age Now .

Source: Third weakest solar cycle since 1755

Claim: Climate Increases Diabetes Rates – ‘Warmer climate is associated with higher rates of diabetes’

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A new study claims a warmer climate is associated with higher rates of diabetes. But even if the authors are right, obesity, diet, age and heredity remain the dominant factors. Diabetes incidence and glucose intolerance prevalence increase with higher outdoor temperature Lisanne L Blauw, N Ahmad Aziz, Martijn R Tannemaat,…

Source: Claim: Climate Increases Diabetes Rates