Here we go again! Polar Vortex the Next Big Thing in Climate Scaremongering
Look at this scary chart. Winter is coming.
To you or me, this might be an indication that climate is going through a perfectly natural cooling phase. But you can bet your bottom dollar that the alarmists will use the latest polar vortex activity to try to prop up their narrative that it is dangerous, unprecedented, and man-made.
We know because here is how the Guardian reported on the polar vortex responsible for a big freeze in the U.S. in 2014:
Such weather patterns, which can feature relatively mild conditions in the Arctic at the same time dangerously cold conditions exist in vast parts of the lower 48, may be tied to the rapid warming and loss of sea ice in the Arctic due, in part, to manmade climate change.
Arctic warming is altering the heat balance between the North Pole and the equator, which is what drives the strong current of upper level winds in the northern hemisphere commonly known as the jet stream. Some studies show that if that balance is altered then some types of extreme weather events become more likely to occur.
This might seem plausible until you realize that back in the 1970s, when the enviro loons were predicting an imminent ice age, they were making similarly doom-laden claims about the significance of the polar vortex. As Steven Goddard has noticed:
Watch: Prominent Ivy League Geologist who voted for Gore ‘appalled’ after viewing his film
Clip of 2016 skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’:
ABC News Peter Jennings: “Al Gore genuinely believes that if he does not prevail, the apocalypse is coming. His opponents think he is the danger.”
American University climate Statistics Professor Dr. Caleb Rossiter: “I think [Gore’s film] is a wonderful teaching tool because it shows how we don’t do science.”
University of Pennsylvania Geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack: “I voted for Gore in 2000, yeah. I think that if he ran again, depending on who he ran against, I might vote for him. He’s a smart man.”
Climate Hustle’s Marc Morano: “But after viewing Gore’s film, Giegengack had this reaction.”
Giegengack: “And I was appalled. I was appalled because he…either deliberately misrepresented the point he was making or didn’t understand it. So it was irresponsible of Al Gore.”
(Dr. Robert Giegengack, chaired the Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania.)
Morano: “Are you afraid of rising CO2 concentrations?”
Giegengack: “No, no I’m not. CO2 is not the villain that it has been portrayed. I’m impressed by the fact that the present climate, from the perspective of a geologist, is very close to the coldest it’s ever been…the concentration CO2 in the atmosphere today is the close to the lowest it has ever been.
Ivy League geologist Dr. Robert Giegengack, former chair of Department of Earth and Environmental Science at the University of Pennsylvania, spoke out in 2007 against fears of rising CO2 impacts promoted by Gore and others. Giegengack noted “for most of Earth’s history, the globe has been warmer than it has been for the last 200 years. It has rarely been cooler.” (LINK) “[Gore] claims that temperature increases solely because more CO2 in the atmosphere traps the sun’s heat. That’s just wrong … It’s a natural interplay. As temperature rises, CO2 rises, and vice versa,” Giegengack explained. “It’s hard for us to say that CO2 drives temperature. It’s easier to say temperature drives CO2,” he added. (LINK) “The driving mechanism is exactly the opposite of what Al Gore claims, both in his film and in that book. It’s the temperature that, through those 650,000 years, controlled the CO2; not the CO2 that controlled the temperature,” he added. (LINK)
Update: Giegengack told Climate Depot: “The Earth has experience
FLASHBACK 2007: Gore’s first movie was so faulty, a UK judge required warning labels for it –
Published October 12, 2007
Al Gore’s award-winning climate change documentary was littered with nine inconvenient untruths, a judge ruled yesterday.
An Inconvenient Truth won plaudits from the environmental lobby and an Oscar from the film industry but was found wanting when it was scrutinised in the High Court in London.
Justice Burton identified nine significant errors within the former presidential candidate’s documentary as he assessed whether it should be shown to school children. He agreed that Gore’s film was “broadly accurate” in its presentation of the causes and likely effects of climate change but said that some of the claims were wrong and had arisen in “the context of alarmism and exaggeration.”
In what is a rare judicial ruling on what children can see in the class-room, Justice Barton was at pains to point out that the “apocalyptic vision” presented in the film was politically partisan and not an impartial analysis of the science of climate change.
“It is plainly, as witnessed by the fact that it received an Oscar this year for best documentary film, a powerful, dramatically presented and highly professionally produced film,” he said in his ruling. “It is built around the charismatic presence of the former Vice President, Al Gore, whose crusade it now is to persuade the world of the dangers of climate change caused by global warming.
“It is now common ground that it is not simply a science film – although it is clear that it is based substantially on scientific research and opinion – but that it is a political film.”
The analysis by the judge will have a bearing on whether the Government can continue with its plan to have the film shown in every secondary school. He agreed it could be shown but on the condition that it was accompanied by new guidance notes for teachers to balance Gore’s “one-sided” views.
Pat Buchanan: ‘Has the Trumpian revolution begun?’ – ‘EPA pick appears to be a lead indicator of a coming revolution far beyond Reagan’s’
Posted: Saturday, December 10, 2016 12:00 am
Associated Press
The wailing and keening over the choice of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to head the EPA appears to be a lead indicator of a coming revolution far beyond Reagan’s.
“Trump Taps Climate Skeptic For Top Environmental Post,’’ said The Wall Street Journal. “Climate Change Denial,’’ bawled a disbelieving New York Times, which urged the Senate to put Pruitt in a “dust bin.’’
Clearly, though his victory was narrow, Donald Trump remains contemptuous of political correctness and defiant of liberal ideology.
For environmentalism, as conservative scholar Robert Nisbet wrote in 1982, is more than the “most important social movement’’ of the 20th century. It is a militant and dogmatic faith that burns heretics.
“Environmentalism is well on its way to becoming the third great wave of redemptive struggle in Western history,’’ wrote Nisbet, “the first being Christianity, the second modern socialism.’’ In picking a “climate denier’’ to head EPA, Trump is rejecting revealed truth.
Yet Trump he has shown himself to be an unapologetic apostate to liberal orthodoxy.
Indeed, with his presidency, we may be entering a post-liberal era.
In 1950, literary critic Lionel Trilling wrote, “In the United States at this time liberalism is not only the dominant but even the sole intellectual tradition. For it is the plain fact that nowadays there are no conservative or reactionary ideas in general circulation.’’…
Warmists issue helpful guide: ‘What You Should Know About Trump’s Cabinet & Climate’
…Catholic Church: New Priests Will be Expected to Preach ‘Global Warming’
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Catholic Online reports that new priests will be expected to be familiar with and promote efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
New priests to learn about global warming as part of formation
LOS ANGELES, CA (California Network) — The Catholic Church is intimately concerned about climate change. The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy of Sciences is the world’s oldest, longest running scientific mission. That body, which advises the pope on matters of science, has concluded that global climate change is real and is caused, at least in significant part, by human activity.
This is important to the Church because creation care is part of our mission. We are called to be stewards of creation. It’s also important because climate change can exacerbate the ills of poverty. Poor people in much of the world are the most vulnerable to changes.
Unfortunately, the issue is politicized. In the late 1970s, when the issue threatened the financial interests of the fossil fuel industry, the political lobbies, chiefly in the United States, financed a massive political disinformation campaign to manufacture the illusion of dissent within the scientific community.
We know because this manipulation of public opinion has been caught and documented. The fossil fuel industry funds nearly all of the climate change skeptics, going so far as to commission questionable studies, to financing think tanks, and even paying individual bloggers. The deception continues today.
But what does this have to do with the Church?
The Church has a responsibility to care for people, and the environment. And care for one is also care for the other.
Now updated guidelines for the formation of clergy says new priests should understand this as well:
“Protecting the environment and caring for our common home — the Earth, belong fully to the Christian outlook on man and reality. Priests should be “promoters of an appropriate care for everything connected to the protection of creation.”
The new guidelines suggest that in the future, priests will also have a good grasp of the global climate change problem and will share this with their congregation.
Read more:
Whats next? Excommunication of scientists whose theories aren’t approved by the Pope?
…Gore’s sequel greeted by ‘a new dawn for climate skepticism’ – ‘Deniers prepare for domination’
Former Vice President Al Gore is planning to release a sequel to his 2006 film “An Inconvenient Truth.” See: Sundance to Open with Al Gore “An Inconvenient Truth” Sequel. But Gore’s film will be met by a new reality in the U.S. with the election of Donald Trump as President: Climate skeptics will be back in charge and are poised to dismantle the climate agenda that Gore has spent decades promoting.
From Trump’s pledges to pull the U.S. out of the UN Paris climate agreement to his promises to defend the UN climate panel to his EPA pick Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt who is set to reverse the agencies climate regulations.
The Los Angeles Times wasted no time in declaring Gore the loser of the recent climate confrontation with Trump. See: LA Times: ‘Did Al Gore get played? Engaging with Trump brings risk for the left’ – ‘Not since Ronald Reagan assumed office 36 years ago have they had to deal with a president-elect who is both so reviled by their core voters and masterful at using the television cameras to co-opt them.
The mainstream media is recognizing this new rise of climate skepticism to power in the U.S. see: Media recognizes new reality: ‘Climate deniers prepare for domination’ – ‘A new dawn for climate skepticism’
Via: (subscription required)
…Climate deniers prepare for domination
Scott Waldman, E&E News reporter
Published: Friday, December 9, 2016Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), who brought a snowball to the Senate floor last year to disprove the existence of climate change, was the keynote speaker at a major climate conference in Washington yesterday. Photo courtesy of C-SPAN.
It’s a new dawn for climate skepticism, denial and doubt.And yesterday, at an event at the conservative Heritage Foundation headquarters in Washington, the side of the climate fight that has viewed the last eight years of increasingly aggressive environmental regulations as a setback laid out its plan of attack.
Finally, it said, the time has come to significantly shift climate science away from the place it has held during the Obama years. Speaker after speaker repeated the notion that they would now win over the American public and that a new war had begun against those who have essentially forced them underground and out of favor for almost a decade.
The crowd included advisers to President-elect Donald Trump, conservative pundits and energy industry lobbyists eager to