UN Armed Security Shuts Down Skeptics After SHREDDING UN Climate Treaty at Summit Next To Trump Cut-out

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Associated Press video: US climate change sceptic Marc Morano shreds Paris deal

UN security shut down skeptics 

Skeptics SHRED UN Paris Agreement at UN Climate Summit – Seek to End Climate Activists Denial Over Trump

Trump’s impact on UN climate agenda can no longer be denied

Marrakech – With the election of Donald J. Trump, climate skeptics attending the UN climate summit in Marrakech, literally shredded the UN Paris agreement, complete with paper shredder and larger than life display of Trump. President Elect Trump has pledged to withdraw the U.S. from the Paris agreement much to the angst and downright horror of the climate activists.  (This UN crackdown on skeptics comes one day after 43-page report took apart the UN’s climate claims. See: Climate Report to UN: Trump right, UN wrong – Skeptics Deliver Consensus Busting ‘State of the Climate Report’ to UN Summit)

Marc Morano, who publishes the Climate Depot website and co-wrote and hosted the new skeptical film ‘Climate Hustle’, dramatically shredded the UN Paris agreement. The treaty shredding will signify the threat to the UN climate agenda from President Trump. Skeptics cheered the election of Trump and the planned dismantling of the UN Paris Climate Agreement and EPA “climate” regulations to make science and public policy great again.



Marc Morano statement:

“Today’s shredding of the UN Paris climate agreement will serve as a cathartic moment for the climate campaigners. Instead of continuing to dwell over how they will feel when the U.S. formally rejects the UN treaty under a Trump Administration, we will be offering UN climate activists a chance to visualize the actual document being shredded today at the conference. If nothing else, shredding the UN Paris agreement at the UN climate summit will help delegates move from denial and pass straight through anger and bargaining to the acceptance stage of grief.

The UN activists here are in denial over President Elect Trump’s rational climate and energy policies. Shredding the UN agreement is the skeptics way of nurturing the psychological health of climate activists who cannot fathom that the U.S. would kill the treaty. In much the same way an open casket helps grievers accept death, the shredding event serves as a way for climate campaigners to visualize the impending demise of the treaty. 

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