Scientists rebut ‘consensus claims’: ‘Only 0.3% of 12,000 papers published in journals claimed recent warming was mostly manmade’
In fact, the extent of our influence on climate is not “settled science.” Only 0.3% of twelve thousand papers published in learned journals claimed that recent warming was mostly manmade. The 375 activists are entitled to their opinion, but the scientific community’s peer-reviewed results overwhelmingly fail to endorse their narrow view that recent warming was predominately manmade.
True, we influence climate, by returning to the air some of the carbon dioxide that was there before. But so do termites, by emitting more methane than all the world’s farm animals combined. So do plants, by taking carbon dioxide; storing the carbon in leaves, stems, and trunks; and returning the oxygen to the air. So does the Sun, by supplying nearly all the Earth’s radiant energy. So do volcanoes, by emitting hot rocks that warm the air and ejecta that shade the Earth from the Sun and cause cooling. So do the oceans, by helping to keep the Earth’s temperature within a few degrees either side of the period mean for more than 800,000 years.
The activists say we are warming the oceans. But in the first 11 full years of the least ill-resolved dataset we have, the 3500+ Argo bathythermograph buoys, the upper mile and a quarter of the world’s oceans warmed at a rate equivalent to just 1 Celsius degree every 430 years, and the warming rate, negligible at the surface, rises faster the deeper the measurements are taken. The oceans are warming not from above, which they would if we were warming the air and the air was warming the oceans, but from below.
The activists say we are warming the lower atmosphere. Yet on all datasets, the atmosphere is warming at less than half the rate originally predicted by their fellow-activists at the error-prone Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change — who have a vested interest in overstating the supposed extent of our influence on climate. For, otherwise, the Panel would be – as it should now be – abolished. The Panel
Obama’s Clean Power Plan finally goes on trial — what’s at stake
President Obama’s climate change agenda goes to court tomorrow, where 28 states, the coal industry, and more than 100 other groups fight its legality.
Tomorrow, oral arguments examining the legality of the EPA’s landmark Clean Power Plan (CPP) will be heard before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit. The CPP is the EPA’s sweeping#Climate Change plan that targets coal-fired power plants that emit the trace gas carbon dioxide (CO2).
Led by West Virginia, 27 states, the coal industry, and at least 100 groups, they are challenging its legality and are suing the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and the #Obama administration. The nation’s coal industry, cheap electricity, and the right of the government to ‘coerce’ a state into carrying out duties are all at stake.
The EPA’s Clean Power Plan relies on Section 111(d) of the Clean Air Act. That section, the EPA claims, gives the agency regulatory power to control “non-toxic” emissions like CO2 from power plants. But Section 111(d) also prevents the EPA from regulating emissions if it was already regulating a “source category” under a separate section of the law.
That would be Section 112, which the EPA currently uses to regulate “toxic”emissions (like mercury). But in the shuffle to homogenize the House version with the Senate’s, the wording was never clarified. As such, it prevents the EPA from double-regulating an industry.
Arctic Sea Ice Growth is ‘Greatest on Record’ in September – Ice ‘Expanding at a Phenomenal Rate’
Record Arctic Sea Ice Growth In September – SEPTEMBER 25, 2016
Since hitting its earliest minimum extent since 1997, Arctic sea ice has been expanding at a phenomenal rate.
Already it is greater than at the same date in 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2015. Put another way, it is the fourth highest extent in the last ten years.
Even more remarkably, ice growth since the start of the month is actually the greatest on record, since daily figures started to be kept in 1987.
Experts call this phenomenon the final collapse of sea ice!
Peace Prof. Warns: ‘Trump Victory Could Make Climate Catastrophe Inevitable’ – ‘Stopping climate deniers…is the only realistic path to a habitable planet’
In a year of record-setting heat on a blistered globe, with fast-warming oceans, fast-melting ice caps, and fast-rising sea levels, ratification of the December 2015 Paris climate summit agreement—already endorsed by most nations—should be a complete no-brainer. That it isn’t tells you a great deal about our world. Global geopolitics and the possible rightward lurch of many countries (including a potential deal-breaking election in the United States that could put a climate denier in the White House) spell bad news for the fate of the Earth. It’s worth exploring how this might come to be.
Michael T. Klare is a professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College and the author, most recently, of The Race for What’s Left.…
Analysis: ‘Climate Exaggeration is Backfiring’ – ‘Equating Third Reich with free society’s fossil-fuel reliance, & charging GOP with climate destruction, is theater of the absurd’
Green activists are at war with the greatest American foe since the Axis Powers—or so they say. The latest Democratic Party platform compares the fight against global warming to World War II.
Using terms such as “battlefield,” “siege,” and “front,” those opposed this “war effort” have been labeled anything from Nazis to Holocaust deniers. (I personally have been called a sociopath by climate activist Joe Romm of the Center for American Progress, another story.)
The upcoming election has inspired dire concern. Don’t “vote for climate catastrophe” warned a Washington Post editorialist. “At this point,” stated Michael Klare, Professor of Peace and World Security at Hampshire College, “electing green-minded leaders, stopping climate deniers (or ignorers) from capturing high office, and opposing fossil FOSL -1.78%-fueled ultranationalism is the only realistic path to a habitable planet.”
Equating the Third Reich with the free society’s fossil-fuel reliance, and charging Republicans with climate destruction, is from the theater of the absurd. Americans care greatly about the future; to say otherwise is to deny their very humanity. It is right and fair that critics of climate catastrophism reject calls for bigger government, tax-wise and regulation-wise.…
Everything You Need To Know Before Obama’s Global Warming Plan Goes To Court
Everything You Need To Know Before Obama’s Global Warming Plan Goes To Court
D.C. Circuit prepares for blockbuster argument Tuesday
— gReader Pro…
Warmists blame ‘Scalia’s ghost’ for end of planet! : ‘One of Scalia’s final acts on Earth may have been to doom it’ – Blame late Justice for ‘dooming’ Earth with Court threat to EPA climate regs
The battle to save the Earth from Scalia’s ghost’
The Obama administration’s most ambitious effort to fight climate change hangs in the balance.CREDIT: AP Photo/Manuel Baice CenataOne of the late Justice Antonin Scalia’s final acts on Earth may have been to doom it.Last February, on the final Tuesday of Scalia’s life, the Supreme Court handed down a 5–4 decision suspending the Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan. It was a surprising development — a lower court panel that included a conservative Republican judge previously denied a request to stay this plan — and a chilling development for anyone who cares about the planet. The Clean Power Plan is the Obama administration’s most ambitious effort to fight climate change. And it is difficult to exaggerate the consequences if these efforts fail:In the relatively short term, the Environmental Protection Agency predicts that the Clean Power Plan will “avoid thousands of premature deaths and mean thousands fewer asthma attacks and hospitalizations in 2030 and every year beyond.” In the longer term, major cities could be swallowed by the ocean. Displaced residents will trigger a worldwide refugee crisis. Entire regions of the United States could be converted into a permanent Dust Bowl. The sheer magnitude of the catastrophe will rival any tragedy that has faced humanity since the Book of Genesis.Scalia’s vote to stay the Clean Power Plan was enough to delay it, but not enough to destroy it. Now, however, the effort to permanently kill the plan is about to face its first big test.A ten judge panel of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit — arguably the second-most powerful court in the country — will hear arguments on the fate of the plan on Tuesday. With Scalia dead, and the Supreme Court evenly split between Democrats and Republicans, the D.C. Circuit’s decision could be the last word on the plan’s legality.While Scalia did not live to cast a vote eradicating the plan, his ghost still haunts this case. It lingers over the parties’ briefs, casting doubt upon long-settled doctrines viewed as rock solid just a few years ago. West Virginia v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, the challenge to the Clean Power Plan, is the culmination of a years-long effort by conservatives to hobble the executive branch — an effort Scalia started to embrace during his final years on the Court. And, if the Clean Power Plan falls, it will be because …
Warmist: ‘If You Want a Future with Fewer Floods, Fires, & Other Environmental Disasters, Vote Democratic’
‘A Trump presidency would almost surely guarantee that we continue on a path to environmental suicide.’…