Mars hit by ‘global warming’ – ‘Mars’ current ice age is in retreat’
Radar data from an instrument on board the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has given scientists an unprecedented glimpse into Mars’ recent climatic history, etched into the layers of its northern polar ice cap.
The study of those ice layers, published today in Science, suggests the last ice age on Mars began retreating about 370,000 years ago.
Ice ages have long been predicted for Mars, based on a combination of the planet’s changing tilt and its variable distance from the Sun — similar to the cycles that impact the Earth’s climate over tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years.…
Bravo! Climate Skeptics Rejoice! Trump echoes Climate Depot’s call to dismantle & Defund UN/EPA climate agenda!
Trump railed against the “totalitarian tactics” of the Environmental Protection Agency. He pledged to dismantle the EPA entirely in an April town hall, although he referred to it at the time as the “Department of Environmental” and “DEP.” He assailed Hillary Clinton for saying in March that fracking projects would be unlikely to pass muster under her environmental regime.
“Hillary’s agenda is job destruction. My agenda is job creation,” Trump said.
He railed against “draconian climate rules” and said he would “cancel” the Paris climate agreement and withdraw any funding for United Nations programs related to global warming. Trump has repeatedly called climate change a “hoax” in the past…”
Flashback January 14, 2016 – Climate Depot’s Marc Morano on dismantling UN/EPA climate agenda:
Morano: “President Obama laid out his final vision in the State of the Union address. Republicans need to get their act together quickly in order to prevent Obama’s climate legacy from being cemented.
Morano: “The GOP nominee for president in 2016 must present a basic plan to roll back Obama’s climate regulations. Here is a simple breakdown of what is needed:
1) Repeal all EPA climate regulations;
2) Withdraw the U.S. from any Paris agreement (nonbinding) ‘commitments’;
3) Withdraw the U.S. from the UN climate treaty process entirely;
4) The U.S. should defund the UN IPCC climate panel;
5) Start praising carbon based energy as one of the greatest liberators of mankind and the best hope for the developing world’s poor.
Anything short of this clear and comprehensive approach will lead to failure and guarantee Obama’s climate policies will become permanent in the U.S. The Republicans need to get a coherent plan and articulate their course of action.
End Morano excerpt. …
Wait, What?! We still haven’t ‘solved’ global warming?! UN Climate Chief: Climate change still a ‘race against the clock’ – Despite UN Paris Climate Deal!
Even after the world sealed a historic climate deal in Paris, the UN’s climate chief is worried humanity won’t be able break its fossil fuel habit in time to avert catastrophe, she told AFP Thursday.
“My concern is whether the transformation is going to happen fast enough to avert the worst impacts,” Christiana Figueres said, referring to the global shift from carbon-polluting fossil fuels to green energy.
“Greenhouse gas emissions have to peak quickly and descend,” she said in an interview, as diplomats wrapped up their first negotiating session since hammering out the landmark pact in December.
“It is a race against the clock.”
Figueres, from Costa Rica, took on the UN climate brief in the aftermath of the failed 2009 Copenhagen summit, and played a key role in laying the groundwork for the world’s first universal climate deal.
Under the Paris Agreement, 195 nations vowed to hold average global warming to well under two degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit), and even 1.5 C if possible.
Barely 1 C of warming so far has fuelled a crescendo of devastating droughts, super storms and rising seas threatening the homes and livelihoods of tens of millions.
But the tally of national pledges to curb greenhouse gases still falls far short of the mark, and scientists say they must be rapidly strengthened to hit the Paris goal.
Read more at:
Related Links:
Prince Charles gives world reprieve: Extends ‘100-Month’ climate ‘tipping point’ to 35 more years – Prince Charles had previously issued a 100 month climate tipping point deadline in 2009.
…Climate Cringe: Hundreds of UN delegates serenade outgoing UN Chief as ‘Climate Queen’
United Nation’s members serenade outgoing ‘Climate Queen’ Christiana Figueres to ABBA as she steps down as Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
Bonn Climate Change Conference
May 26, 2016
You can dance, you can jive, having the job of your life
See that woman, watch her lead, diggin’ the Climate Queen.
Denmark and the mood is low
Climate hopes have taken a blow
We had to come together, to get back in the swing
You came in to give us that zing.
Cancun was the next year’s stop
You and Patricia made it hop
Impossible is not a fact, as you made it clear
It’s an attitude, based on fear
Your spirit made us cheer.
You are the Climate Queen, best there’s been, you reign supreme
Climate Queen, moving us to a future clean.
You can dance, you can jive, having the job of your life
See that woman, watch her lead, diggin’ the Climate Queen.
Then in Paris, the game was on
You made sure the job was done
Fighting for ambition, a future for our kids
You made us raise our bids
We are so glad you did.
You are the Climate Queen, best there’s been, you reign supreme
Climate Queen, moving us to a future clean.
You can dance, you can jive, having the job of your life
See that woman, watch her lead, diggin’ the Climate Queen.
Climate Queen: Abba takes over UN talks in Figueres tribute – Tears, applause and a 1970s Swedish pop group dominated UN climate talks on Thursday, as as envoys and civil society lined up to pay tribute to the departing Christiana Figueres. Executive Secretary of the global talks since 2010 and credited with guiding 195 countries to approve the Paris Agreement on climate change in December 2015, the Costa Rican leaves her post in July. New Zealand diplomat Jo Tyndall described her as a “pocket rocket, a small car with a powerful motor… a pint-sized hot chick,” one of many warm speeches on a relaxed final day of two weeks of talks in Bonn.
Related Links:
UN climate chief Christiana Figueres steps down – Lamented U.S. democracy as ‘very detrimental’ – Sought ‘centralized transformation’ – Lauded one-party ruled China for ‘doing it right’ on climate – Climate Depot Statement: ‘Figueres legacy will be one of central planning, limiting development for the world’s …
WATCH: ‘Eco-Sexual Wedding’: College Prof Leads Students to ‘Marry the Ocean’ (NOT A JOKE)
by Cabot Phillips, Campus Reform
Earlier this month, a professor at Santa Monica College led students in an ‘EcoSexual Sextravaganza’ in which participants ‘married the ocean.’
Amber Katherine, a philosophy professor who helped organize the May 14 event, explained toCampus Reform that the purpose of the “wedding” was to bring about a deeper love for the planet through “ecocentric passion and even lust.”
The ceremony began with Bruce Cartier, a former SMC student, proclaiming to those gathered at Santa Monica Beach that “today we stand upon this holy earth and in this sacred space to witness the rite of matrimony between the sea and us all.”
Next, leaders of the event distributed rings to the students, announcing “with this ring, I bestow upon the sea the treasures of my mind heart and hands—as well as my body and soul. With the power vested in us, we now pronounce you ‘married to the sea.’”
Some students then made their way down to the water, where they were urged by event organizers to “consummate” the marriage and “make love with the water.”
“Stick your toes in the water … or any part of your body that you want.”
The event, according to Professor Katherine, “was funded by a number of campus organizations” with the main sponsor being the University’s Public Policy Institute chapter.
One attendee of the event—who identified herself only as “Serenity”—spoke about the importance of gaining consent from the earth before proceeding with a physical relationship.
“Back when I would hug trees in Santa Cruz, I would sort of ask the tree if it was okay if I hugged it and I would feel their spirit or energy or something give a response back, and then proceed accordingly,” she told The Corsair. “Consent is definitely important. Do you think the Earth would consent to fracking and pollution? Probably not”.
“It was actually our second marriage so it was kind of like renewing my vows for me,” added SMC EcoSexual Club president Diego Marquez.
Follow the author of this article on Twitter: @cabot_phillips
Feds Spending $90,000 for Climate Change Film Festival in Mumbai
The State Department is planning to spend $90,000 for a film festival about climate change in India.
The U.S. Consulate in Mumbai issued a grant opportunity this month announcing its plans to fund a film training workshop to make movies about “Green Heroes” in the country.
“Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today,” the State Department said in the grant announcement. “We have seen that many Indians are taking action to stop climate change and protect the environment in their neighborhoods and communities, but often their stories go untold.”
“This program will identify and showcase some of these unsung Green Heroes and enable up-and-coming storytellers to share these Green Heroes’ stories with broader audiences,” the State Department continued. “By training the next generation of documentary filmmakers to tell these environmental stories, we hope this generates broader support for initiatives to mitigate climate change and protect the environment.”…
Five GOP Senators Demand AG Lynch Stop Investigating Climate Skeptics
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Showing a stunning disregard for the First Amendment last month U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch acknowledged the Justice Department has asked the FBI to look into whether the disbelieving of the unproven climate change hypothesis by climate skeptics merits prosecution for fraud. In other words the Obama government was trying to scare skeptics into silence.
Thankfully some in our legislature have the guts to respond. Senators Ted Cruz
(R-TX), Mike Lee (R-UT), Jeff Sessions
(R-AL), David Perdue
(R-GA), and David Vitter (R-LA) today sent a letter to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, demanding that the Department of Justice (DOJ) end its use of law enforcement resources against political opponents of President Obama’s energy agenda.
“These actions provide disturbing confirmation that government officials at all levels are threatening to wield the sword of law enforcement to silence debate on climate change,” the letter reads. “As you well know, initiating criminal prosecution for a private entity’s opinions on climate change is a blatant violation of the First Amendment and an abuse of power that rises to the level of prosecutorial misconduct.”
The letter demands that Ms Lynch confirm all investigations into any private individual’s views on climate change end within two weeks and that she promise not to initiate any future such investigations.
“Freedom of thought and inquiry is at the very heart of liberty,” Sen. Cruz said. “Sadly, the Obama administration and its allies in state attorney general offices across the country are threatening to use the power of government to intimidate and ultimately silence companies and researchers who do not agree with the government’s opinions about the allegedly harmful effects of climate change and what should be done about it. This is an abuse of power and a direct assault on the First Amendment. The Obama Justice Department should immediately cease any further consideration of such action and should instead do everything in its power to protect the freedom of thought of all Americans.”
Senator Lee added:
…“Threatening prosecution of those who dare to challenge the most outlandish scaremongering by climate activists strikes at the very heart of the Free Speech protections on
Former Obama Energy Chief slams EPA climate regs: ‘Falsely sold as impactful’ – ‘All U.S. annual emissions will be offset by 3 weeks of Chinese emissions’
Washington DC — Former Obama Department of Energy Assistant Secretary Charles McConnell eviscerated the President’s proposed EPA Clean Power Plan regulation to fight global warming in testimony before Congress.
McConnell’s full testimony here:
Former Assistant Secretary: “The Clean Power Plan (CPP) has been falsely sold as impactful environmental regulation when it is really an attempt by our primary federal environmental regulator to take over state and federal regulation of energy.”
“What is also clear, scientifically and technically, is that EPA’s plan will not significantly impact global emissions.”
“Consider that all of the U.S. annual emissions in 2025 will be offset by three weeks of Chinese emissions. Three weeks. So it is dramatically uneventful. Is this impactful climate regulation? I think not.”
Impact of EPA’s Clean Power Plan
House Science Committee
May 26, 2016
Trump sends ‘shivers down spines’ of nations supporting UN ‘global warming’ pact
DUESSELDORF, GERMANY – The talks in Germany to flesh out December’s historic global climate deal are probably not at the top of Donald Trump’s agenda this week.
But the diplomats from 196 nations huddled in Bonn are keenly aware of the fact that the “The Donald” is now within spitting distance of the White House — and it is making a lot of them nervous.
It is not hard to see why.
The last Republican standing in the U.S. presidential race has described climate change as a hoax perpetrated by China to gain competitive advantage in manufacturing over the US, an eccentric theory even among climate skeptics.
More recently, he said he was “not a big fan” of the Paris Agreement, the fruit of two decades of stop-and-go (but mostly stop) wrangling between rich and developing nations.
“I will be renegotiating those agreements, at a minimum,” Trump told Reuters in an exclusive interview last week, betraying an unfamiliarity with the U.N.’s consensus-based process.
“And at a maximum I may do something else.”…